Yin And Yang Body Characteristics 003

Yin Yang Theory is a theory that was created in Asia thousands of years ago. According to Yin Yang Theory, everything in the universe can be described in terms of Yin and Yang. Yin is defined as relatively soft while Yang is defined as relatively hard. Since the human body is an object in the universe, the human body can be described in terms of Yin and Yang.

The terms Yin and Yang can be applied to the human body in many ways. One way is an overall description of human bodies. Male human bodies are treated as if they are Yang, while female human bodies are defined as Yin.

Modern scientists claim that Yin Yang Theory is a nonsensical theory that was created by primitive people trying to understand their world. That claim by modern scientists is what is nonsensical.

Yin and Yang are descriptive words. Yin is defined as soft and Yang is defined as hard. How can describing something as soft/Yin or hard/Yang be nonsense? Objects in real life are hard and soft. The terms Yin and Yang are just Chinese words for hard and soft. So defining objects as Yin or Yang is completely legitimate.

This blog was created to demonstrate to in a simple way how the terms Yin and Yang are used to describe the movements and appearance of the human body. By demonstrating exactly how easy it is to understand how the terms Yin and Yang are used to describe the human body, the creator of this blog hopes to show exactly how foolish modern scientists are when they dismiss Yin Yang Theory as nonsensical.

The author of this blog honestly feels that modern scientists are not stupid. No one could be so stupid that they could not understand a simple explanation of Yin Yang Theory. The only other reason that would explain modern scientists dismissing Yin Yang Theory as nonsense, is that they are purposefully lying.

Why would modern scientists lie about the reality of Yin Yang Theory? Because knowledge of Yin Yang Theory is associated with power. Any human being who has any kind of knowledge of Yin Yang Theory, even just a very small amount, will be changed by that knowledge. Their physical body and their mental outlook will be changed in ways that make them more powerful.

Powerful people are trouble to the people who wish to control society. The creator of this blog believes that the people in charge of western society have ordered western scientists to lie about Yin Yang Theory in order to keep the average citizen weak. Weak citizens are easier to control than strong citizens.

The picture below is the example picture for this blog entry.


Please take some time to inspect the picture on your own. The readers comprehension of Yin Yang Theory will be acquired faster, if they attempt on their own to see what it is about a picture that demonstrates Yin and Yang before the explanation is given.

The picture is focused on a man and a woman who appear to be arguing about something. It would be reasonable to guess that the Yin and Yang example in this picture has something to do with the man and the woman.

It is the man and woman who are demonstrating Yin and Yang of the human body. It was stated above that men are Yang and women are Yin, so the most logical thing for the reader to do would be to inspect the body of the woman for something demonstrating Yin, and to inspect the body of the man for something demonstrating Yang.

The example picture is dark which makes the man and woman hard to see. A cropped, enlarged, and lightened picture, is presented below to assist with examination of the bodies of the man and woman for signs of Yin or Yang.


What are the bodies of the man and woman doing? Both the man and the woman have raised their arms and bent them at the elbow to bring their hands up to their face.


The next picture is a close up of the upper body of the man and woman.


Seeing how Yin and Yang affect the body in these examples will usually be easy. That is why the pictures are chosen for examples. What do you see in the closeup picture that could be an example of Yin and Yang?

There is only one thing that is really different about the two human bodies in the example picture. The man is holding his hand palm up with the fingers curled,


while the woman is holding her hand palm up with the hand open


Since the way the hand is held is really the only thing different between the two human bodies in the picture, and a man is defined as Yang and a woman is defined as Yin, it would be reasonble for the reader to guess that a hand held with the fingers curled is a Yang hand, and an open hand is a Yin hand.

You guessed right. Seeing the signs of Yin and Yang in a human body is that easy.

An open palm is considered to be Yin while a closed fist is considered to be Yang. The man’s hand is not closed in a fist but it has closed up some. That closing is caused by the Yang part of his body so it is a demonstration of how Yang influences the look of a human body.

The woman’s hand open hand fits the accepted definition of a Yin hand so the woman is demonstrating a Yin characteristic of the human body.




The curious reader will want to know that the man and woman are not just displaying Yin and Yang physical characteristics of the human body. The woman and/or the man are manipulating each others energy.

According to Happeh Theory, human beings have energy. The energy of a human being is invisible, it can travel across distances, and it can cause a reaction in other living creatures.

In the demonstration picture the woman is cancelling out the man’s energy because she does not want her physical body to be affected by the man’s energy.

Yin and Yang energy are opposites. To explain the energy interaction between the man and the woman, it could be helpful to use a simple numeric explanation.  Yin energy could be treated as a -1 while Yang energy was treated as a +1.

The man’s curling fingers are Yang energy which is a +1. His +1 energy is trying to travel across the distance between himself and the woman and cause some change in the woman’s body. The woman does not want to be manipulated by the man’s energy. If she does nothing the man’s +1 Yang energy will enter and manipulate her body.

If the woman wants to stop the man’s +1 Yang energy from manipulating her body, she must either physically move away from the man out of range of the energy, she must stop the man from emitting +1 Yang energy, or she must cancel the man’s +1 Yang energy.

The woman is standing in front of the man so she is within range of the man’s +1 Yang energy. The woman cannot stop the man from emitting +1 Yang energy because that would probably require a violent encounter the woman would surely lose.

The only option the woman has if she does not want her body manipulated by the man’s +1 Yang energy is to cancel it out. So the woman cancels the man’s +1 Yang energy by forming opening her hand which makes it a -1 Yin hand. The -1 of the woman’s Yin hand cancels out the +1 of the man’s closed Yang hand. The result is 0, meaning there is no Yang energy available to enter and manipulate the woman’s body.

The woman has successfully protected her body from being manipulated by the man’s +1 Yang energy.


The explanation used a single number, +1 or -1, to describe the value of the Yang energy of the man or the Yin energy of the woman for simplicity. In real life the value associated with the Yin or Yang energy of a human being is dependent on the strength of that human being.

In this example picture, it looks like the woman has more power. The woman’s power might be described as -5 Yin to the man’s +1 Yang, meaning the woman’s ability to manipulate energy  is 5 times as powerful as the man’s.