Michael Guen’s Tuition Notice To Students In April, 1995

Tuition rates to begin April 1995

Tuition is the expression of a student’s interest in supporting their Teacher’s life and work. It should not be looked upon as merely an expense that one could or could not afford. The whole purpose of giving in this manner is not just to get something concrete back in return. One is making a gesture to the spirit, for the sake of one’s own spirit, that the spirit of support, protection and guidance be awakened in your own life as a result of a sacred gesture of respect and deference.

If you have trouble with the following amounts, please first take time to consider where involvement with this work sits in order of priority of your life. Then, if it is still difficult come speak with me.

To be paid the first week of each month.

Students less than two and one half years in their work with me (personal work included):          $70.00 per month

Students over two and one half years in their work with me (personal work included):                   $115.00 per month