Yin And Yang Body Characteristics 002

Yin Yang Theory is a theory that was developed in Asia hundreds of years ago. According to Yin Yang Theory, everything in the universe can be described in terms of Yin and Yang. Yin is defined as relatively soft while Yang is defined as relatively hard. Since the human body is an object in the universe, the terms Yin and Yang can be used to discuss the human body.

Women are Yin dominant and men are Yang dominant according to Yin Yang Theory. What that means is that the body of a woman will more strongly show whatever changes that a strong Yin part of the body will cause in a human body. The body of a man will more strongly show whatever changes that a strong Yin part of the body will cause in the human body.

This series of blog entries is dedicated to showing examples of how strong Yin or strong Yang show themselves in the human body. The first entry of the series was based on the picture below. 


It was stated that the legs of the man demonstrated strong Yang because his legs bowed outwards,


and it was stated that the legs of the woman demonstrated strong Yin because they were moving in towards each other so they touch.


This blog entry is also about legs. Please examine the legs in the picture below.


The two pairs of legs in the picture are undeniably different. The pair of legs on the right look thin with strongly defined musculature,


while the pair of legs on the left look thick and do not show any musculature.


The pair of legs in the example picture for this blog are examples of what strongly Yin legs look like and what strongly Yang legs look like. The reader should be able to guess which pair of legs is strong Yin and which pair of legs is strong Yang, by examining the picture from the first blog entry in this series, and recalling that the woman’s legs are an example of strong Yin and the man’s legs are an example of strong Yang.


The legs of the man are thin looking like the pair of legs on the right in the picture for this blog.

The man was described as having strongly Yang legs because they bowed outwards. Since his strongly Yang legs are also thin, and the pair of legs on the right of the current example picture  are thin, it must be the pair of legs on the right that are more Yang dominant.

The legs of the woman from the previous blog entry picture look like the pair of legs on the left of the current blog entry picture.


The legs of the woman from the previous blog entry were described as being an example of Yin dominant legs because they were pressed in together. The woman’s legs are also thick like the pair of legs on the right of the current example picture. So the legs on the right of the current example picture are the pair of legs exhibiting the look of strong Yin development.


Instead of describing the legs in terms of Yin and Yang, the legs could be described in terms of Yin only. The legs on the left would be examples of strong Yin development while the legs on the right would be examples of weak Yin development.
