Yin Yang Theory is a theory that was developed in Asia hundreds of years agao. According to Yin Yang Theory, everything in the universe can be described in terms of Yin and Yang. Yin is defined as relatively soft while Yang is defined as relatively hard. Since the human body is an object in the universe, the terms Yin and Yang can be used to discuss the human body.
Women are Yin dominant and men are Yang dominant according to Yin Yang Theory. What that means is that the body of a woman will more strongly show whatever changes that a strong Yin part of the body will cause in a human body. The body of a man will more strongly show whatever changes that a strong Yin part of the body will cause in the human body.
An obvious change that a strong Yin part of the body makes in the female human being would be the breasts. Only females have breasts. Males do not have breasts. An obvious change that a strong Yang part of the body makes in male human beings would be physical strength. Human males are much stronger than human females.
A man and a woman are standing in the picture below.
The woman is demonstrating some of the ways that strong Yin will show itself in a human body, while the man is demonstrating some of the ways that strong Yang will show itself in a human body.
Please take some time to examine the picture and form some kind of opinion about what you see. There is one obvious physical change being demonstrated by the bodies of the man and the woman that clearly demonstrates strong Yin in the body of the woman and strong Yang in the body of the man.
The reader will benefit from spending as much time as possible simply gazing at the picture. Ask yourself why the two living creatures in the picture are doing what they are doing.
The legs are the most obvious sign of strong Yin in the woman and strong Yang in the man. The legs of the woman are held directly next to each other.
That is how legs with strong Yin will want to stand. They feel better that way.
The legs of the man are bowed outwards,
which creates an elliptical area between them.
That look, which is called a “bowlegged” look in the West, is the sign of strong Yang development in the body of the man. The reason his legs bow is that the outside of the legs develop very strongly.
The development of the outside of the legs makes them bend outwards.
Since Yin is the opposite of Yang, it should come as no surprise to learn that the reason the woman’s legs are close together is because it is the inside of her legs that are developed very strongly, and the development of the inside of the legs of a human being will make the legs pull in towards each other.