The development of the Yin part of the body will change the body in various ways. Previous entries in this series talked about how development of the Yin part of the part will make the neck very strong and give it a certain visual appearance.
Another area where the Yin development of the body will change the visual appearance of the body is the hands. The picture below shows a man and an arm sticking into the picture.

The arm in the picture belongs to a woman. According to Yin Yang Theory woman naturally have strong Yin. According to the creator of this blog, the woman’s arm and hand indicate she has strong Yin.What is it about the arm and the hand the indicate the woman has strong Yin? Or put another way, how has the strong Yin development of the woman’s body changed the visible appearance of her arm and hand?
The rotation of the woman’s arm indicated by the arrow in the picture below is caused by the strong development of the Yin part of her body.
The woman’s knuckles are strongly sloped from high at the index finger to low at the pinky finger.
And the woman’s index finger does not point straight
The index finger has a curve to it.
All of those characteristics of the woman’s hand are caused by the strong Yin development of her body.
The next picture shows a different angle view of the hand of a different woman with strong Yin development.
The hand is not straight on the wrist. The hand looks angled on the wrist.
The woman’s pointing finger does not point in the same direction as the other fingers.
The pointing finger itself has an odd look to it. The finger looks wavy instead of straight.
The wavy look of the finger is caused by the strong Yin development of the woman’s body.
Perhaps the most recognizable characteristic of the Yin development of a human hand is that the angle of the hand to the wrist and the way the hand look appear to be caused by the hand holding an invisible rod.
The next picture compares the first example woman’s hand with the hand of a man.
The main difference in the two hands is that the base of the hand by the pinky finger is closed tight on the woman’s hand, but it is held open on the man’s hand.
That is another one of the characteristics of the strong Yin development of the body. Strong Yin will clench the hand from the pinky side of the hand, while strong Yang will tend to clench the finger at the index finger side of the hand.