Strong Yin Analysis 010

Yin Yang Theory is a theory that was developed in Asia thousands of years ago. According to Yin Yang Theory, everything in the universe can be described in terms of Yin and Yang. Yin is defined as relatively soft while Yang is defined as relatively hard. Since the human body is an object in the universe, the human body can be described in terms of Yin and Yang.

Scientists in the West claim that Yin Yang Theory is nonsense. That statement itself is nonsense. Yin Yang Theory states that anything in the universe can be described in terms of relative softness and relative hardness. How can describing something as relatively soft or relatively hard be nonsense? Everything in the universe really is either softer than something else or harder than something else.

Yin Yang Theory can be applied to the human body in many different ways that are not limited to comparing the softness or hardness of things to each other.

A human body can be described as having strong Yin or strong Yang. A human body that had strong Yin would be a human body that displayed certain physical characteristics. A human body that had strong Yang would be a human body that displayed certain physical characteristics that are distinctly different than he characteristics displayed by a strong Yin human body.

The purpose of this blog is to provide examples of exactly what physical characteristics are associated with a human body that has strong Yin and exactly what physical characteristics are associated with a human body that has strong Yang.

The picture below shows a characteristic of a human body with strong Yin.


The picture above shows a human being with a relatively long tongue. The tongue can reach down to the chin. The length of the tongue, the size of the tongue, and the ability of the tongue to reach so far out of the mouth that it can touch the chin are the signs of a human being with a strong Yin part of the body.

What is it about a large long tongue that relates it to a strong Yin part of the body?

The picture below shows a cutaway view of a human head that reveals the tongue.


The tongue runs from the front to the back of the mouth. A human being who is has a relatively weak Yin part of the body will only use the muscles that are attached to the front of the tongue to push the tongue out of the mouth.


Because those muscles are limited in the amount they can push the tongue out of the mouth, a human being with weak Yin who uses only the muscles at the front of the tongue to push the tongue out of the mouth, can only push their tongue out a relatively short distance as shown in the next picture.


A human being with a strong Yin part of the body will use the muscles at the back of the tongue to push the tongue out of the mouth.


In addition, the inside of that human being’s esophagus, which is the tube that connects the mouth to the stomach, also helps to push the tongue out of the mouth.


Because the tongue is being pushed out of the mouth from it’s base,


instead of just up at the front,


the tongue can stick out of the mouth much further,


than a tongue pushed out only from the tip.


For scientists and other people who do not believe in Yin Yang Theory, your job now would be to start collecting pictures of tongues. You would want to catalog what sex the owner of the long or short tongues were, then write down a list of the observations you can make about their body.

After you have examined enough examples, you can combine all of the lists of observations you have made of human beings with long tongues and human beings with short tongues, and look for common characteristics.

Any common characteristics would be other characteristics that were associated with a strong Yin or strong Yang part of the body. If the reader’s observations revealed the owners of long tongues were all women, that would support the claim that a long tongue is a sign of strong Yin. Women are defined by Yin Yang Theory as having strong Yin.

If the reader found that the majority of men had short tongues, that would support the claim that the ability to stick the tongue only a short distance out of the mouth was a sign of weak Yin, because Yin Yang Theory defines men as having strong Yang and relatively weak Yin.