Strong Yin Analysis 011

According to Yin Yang Theory, everything in the universe can be described in terms of Yin and Yang. Yin is defined as relatively soft while Yang is defined as relatively strong. Since a human body is part of the universe, a human body can be described in terms of Yin and Yang.

Many people have been told not to believe in Yin Yang Theory because Yin Yang Theory is primitive nonsense that has no meaning in the modern world. Other people have decided on their own for whatever reason that Yin Yang Theory has no meaning.

Yin Yang Theory is a valid theory that can be used to describe the universe or the contents of the universe, and specifically the human body. There is nothing mystical or magical about the words “Yin” and “Yang”. Yin and Yang are just words that describe certain attributes and characteristics of an object or action.

All that has to be done to understand what Yin and Yang mean is to look at examples of objects and actions that are labeled either Yin or Yang. After some period of time the accumulation of experience gained from looking at all of the examples will give the interested individual a sense of what it is Asian people mean when they describe an object or action as Yin or Yang.

This blog entry presents an example of what a human body with a developed Yin part of the body looks like. The image for this blog entry is shown next.


The image shows a group of Hindu devotees from the country of India. The picture shows an excellent example of one of the most obvious characteristics of a human body with strong Yin development.

A human body with strong Yin development will look as if the waist and hips are walking out in front of the body. The waist and hips of the man with light colored hair look like they are out in front of the rest of his body.


Some readers may feel that the stomach is leading the rest of the body.


The stomach does protrude further forward than the waist and hips, which does make it look like the man’s stomach is leading the rest of his body. The reason why is that a pot belly structurally sticks out in front of the waist and hips. The man’s pot belly is not in front of his hips and waist because it is pulling his waist and hips forwards.

Another reader might suggest that the look of the man’s waist and hips leading the body is a visual illusion and not physical reality. This reader might claim that the waist and hips look like they are in front of the body only because the forward moving right leg is pulling them forwards.


The reader might believe that if the man was standing with his legs mostly together the hips and waist would no longer look like they were in front of the rest of the body. Other observations from the example image dispel that doubt.

When the hips and waist of a human being with strong Yin move forward, the arm on the same side of the body will tend to move back or hang backwards. The example man’s right arm is hanging back in the way associated with strong Yin development of the human body.


It will also look like there is a largish open space on the lower back of an individual with strong Yin.


Some readers may still be skeptical that the characteristics of the example man’s body are anything but an accident of movement or posture. That skeptical reader might be convinced by the fact that the boy indicated in the next picture has the same type of body look as the older man does.


The boy’s stomach looks like it is leading the rest of his body just like the man’s stomach looks like it is leading the rest of his stomach.


The boy’s arm has the same hanging back look as the man’s arm does.


And although it is hard to make out, the boy has a largish looking space at his lower back like the adult man does.


Addressing the possible concerns of the readers who might feel the forward looking waist and hips of the man are only the result of his forward moving right leg, the boy still has a forward looking waist and hips even though his right leg is to the rear of his body.


The fact that both the boy and the man share a similar body look, and they are both part of a religious order and a country that according to Happeh Theory know all about the Yin part of the body, reinforces the claim of this blog entry that:

(1) – a forward looking waist, hips, and stomach


(2) – an arm that hangs to the rear with a particular look


(3) – and a largish space at the lower back area


are all characteristics exhibited by the body of a human being with a certain type of strong Yin development.