Goku And Wing Chun

This blog was started because of the widespread resistance encountered to what seemed to be the following obvious premise. 

“The cartoons Dragonball and Dragonball Z which were created in the Asian country of Japan included scenes and storylines that were influenced by real life martial arts and martial art principles.”

People seem to think this is the craziest idea they ever heard of. I don’t know why. If you grow up in a culture based on martial arts principles, a culture that has many different martial arts style, why wouldn’t those ideas become a part of your life? So much so that they would make their way into anything that you created?

In the following picture Goku is standing in a stance,


that looks just like a stance from the basic Wing Chun Sil Lum Tau form.


The man in the right side of the picture is named Yip Man. He is one of the more famous Wing Chun teachers.

This picture on it’s own demonstrates that my claim is indeed true. The cartoonists did not invent this stance out of thin air. They saw it somewhere. The TV, a martial arts demonstration or book. They practiced it in a class they themselves took.

Growing up in an asian culture surrounded by martial arts principles has influnced the way the cartoonists present the cartoons Dragonball and Dragonball Z.

EDIT: On copying this short blog entry something interesting was noticed that should have been in the original post.

There are no coincidences. Everything occurs for some reason. Everything.

Please take a moment to reexamine the picture of Goku again.


What else is in the picture with Goku? There is the ground, some bushes, a tree, and a building. The drawing was created so that Goku is almost exactly in the center of the building.


The building has an interesting design to it’s roof. The center of the roof rises to a sharp point.


Both sides of the roof travel some distance away from the building before they also end in sharp points.


The premise of this blog is that the creators of the cartoon filled every aspect of the cartoon with their knowledge of Kung Fu. According to Happeh Theory, even simple images like this were affected by the kung fu knowledge of the creators of the cartoon.

Figuring out what kung fu idea or principle or related idea or principle can be difficult or easy. In this particular image it is relatively easy. Just focus on what the cartoon’s creators want you to focus on.

Goku was placed approximately in the center of a building with a pointed peak and sides.


and Goku was drawn holding a specific type of Kung Fu stance.


What if the creators of the cartoon were trying to tell the viewer of this image that when a human being assumes the Kung Fu posture Goku is holding in the image, their body changes so they look like they have a point coming out of the top of their head, and two horn like curves protruding from the sides of their head?


That may seem outrageous or silly to some readers. But is it really a silly or outrageous thing to imply? Human history is filled with images of human beings with horns. One of those images is of demons with horns sticking out of their head.


What if the legends of demons were really stories about real life human beings who looked like their heads had horns sticking out of them? There must be some valid reason why demons are always portrayed as having horns.

If there are real human beings who look like they have horns sticking out of their heads, then those people of course would be the model for the artists creating images of demons.

The reader is probably thinking to themselves, “There are no horns sticking out of the head of the cartoon character Goku. Those are just extensions from the roof of the house. There are no real human beings with horns sticking out of their heads. So what is it exactly that you are talking about?”.

The energy body of a human being is what I am talking about. According to Happeh Theory, a human being who looks like they have a horn sticking out of their head does not have a real physical horn sticking out of their head you can touch with your fingers. The horn is the horn of the invisible energy body that is part of all physical human bodies.

What is being implied here is that the image of Goku that can be made to look as if he has horns by connecting his head to the roof of the house,


is an attempt by the creators of the cartoon to teach viewers that when a human body assumes the kung fu posture being demonstrated by Goku, their energy body will change and deform so it looks like they have horns coming out of their head in the places indicated by the points on the roof of the building.