Here is the picture for this blog entry.
The picture shows a man that many people would describe as fat. The man does have some fat in the area of his stomach as evidenced by the role of fat hanging over his swimsuit.
The main reason the man is large though is that he has a strong Yin part of the body. The evidence for that conclusion is the large thick looking side of his body.
The shape of the side of the body is outlined in the next picture.
It is useful to note that the shape of the side of the body can be broken into a rectangle topped by a triangle as shown in the next picture.
It is also interesting to note the three dimensional shape formed by both sides of the body.
The reason the side of the body will thicken when the Yin part of the body strengthens can be described in a number of ways. One way is to use a theoretical model of the human body called The Wheel View of the Human Body.
According to The Wheel View of the Human Body, the human body behaves as if their are wheel shapes at each corner of the torso. Circles are drawn around each near side corner of the torso to represent the wheels.
When the Yin part of the body strengthens, the wheels indicated in the picture will grow and thicken. Because they are located under the skin of the torso the wheel shapes cannot be seen.
It is interesting to see how the body looks if the wheels on both sides of the body are connected.
The entire side of the body can behave as one large wheel as well. The next picture has a circle around the relevant area on the man’s body.
Describing how the development of the Yin part of the body changes the physical body can also be done by saying that the growing Yin part of the body will thicken the entire side of the torso within the area of the circle.
The next picture shows the two large circles connected across the body.
Finally, the way in which the developing Yin part of the body changes the physical body can be described in terms of an X shape on the body.
When the Yin part of the body develops, it can be visualized as making the left chest and the right hip bigger in a connected way, and making the right chest and the left hip bigger in a connected way.
In support of the claims of the X shape description of the Yin development of the body, are the natural upper V shape found connecting the shoulders and the midpoint of the chest,
and the natural lower V shape connecting the lower midpoint of the ribcage to the sides of the body.
The natural upper and lower V shapes on the front of the torso look like the top and bottom of an X shape.
It is pertinent to note that weakening, crippling, or destruction of the Yin part of the body will shrink the body in the patterns indicated by the above shapes. If the Yin part of the body on the left side was damaged in some way, all of the left side of the body within the circles would shrink by a related amount.