Yin Yang Theory is a theory that was developed in Asia hundreds of years ago. According to Yin Yang Theory, everything in the universe can be described in terms of Yin and Yang. Yin is commonly described as soft while Yang is commonly described as hard.
Many people from western countries do not believe in Yin Yang Theory, because Western scientists have told the citizens of the West that Yin Yang Theory is a primitive belief system created by a primitive people that has no value.
Western scientists are wrong. In the opinion of the creator of this blog, Western scientists are wrong and stupid. Yin and Yang are nothing more than descriptive words like short and tall or hot and cold. Yin Yang Theory is mostly a way of thinking.
If Western scientists were as competent as they believe they are, they could rewrite Yin Yang Theory using Western science terms, and then people in the West who are used to technological language would see that Yin Yang Theory really is a valid theory.
It is easy to prove that Yin Yang Theory is a valid theory and that Western scientists are wrong about Yin Yang Theory. When the Yin part of the human body is developed and strengthened, it will change the body in a number of unique ways. All that needs to be done to prove Yin Yang Theory is a valid theory, is to point out these unique changes that development of the Yin part of the body causes.
A previous blog entry claimed that development of the Yin part of the body would strengthen and change the neck in a unique way. The previous blog entry used a picture of a wrestler to demonstrate how the neck changes.
As you can see the neck has become very thick and it looks like two large ropes or cables are running across the neck. A strong neck does not always look like the neck shown in the picture. According to Happeh Theory, the unique look of the man’s neck is due to the development of the Yin part of his body.
Although the picture of the man’s neck does make a strong impression, it is only one piece of evidence for the claim that the Yin part of the body changes the neck. While the evidence is true, it would be better if there were more pieces of evidence to support the claim that the Yin part of the body changes the neck.
This blog entry will provide another piece of evidence to support the claim that development of the Yin part of the body changes the neck.
One of the more common ways to develop and strengthen the Yin part of the body is to practice what is called Kung Fu. “Kung Fu” is the Chinese name for hand to hand combat systems. According to Happeh Theory, almost all of the hand to hand combat systems created by Asian countries develop the Yin part of the body.
Men who are involved in hand to hand combat are usually competitive men. Men who want to prove that they are the strongest or the best. One of the ways in which Asian men will prove their strength is to demonstrate the strength of their neck.
The example picture for this blog entry shows a dull sword being run across a man’s neck to prove that the man’s neck is strong.
Why would Asian men do that? Why would a strong neck mean anything? You don’t punch or kick an opponent with your neck, so why would Asian men demonstrate their Kung Fu skill using their necks?
In Western countries a man who was proving his hand to hand combat skill might showcase his arm strength by lifting heavy weights or entering an arm wrestling contest. That sounds like a more relevant demonstration of skill because a fighter strikes the opponent with their hands. Showcasing the strength of the arm to prove how strong you are to other men makes sense.
According to Happeh Theory, Asian men demonstrate their Kung Fu skill with their neck, because the neck is one of the places that will be changed by the development and strengthening of the Yin part of the body.
If a frontal picture of the man having a sword run across his neck was available, it should show the same two large cords running across the neck that are running across the neck of the wrestler.
Yin Yang Theory is a valid theory. Yin Yang Theory can be applied to the human body to describe the construction and behavior of the human body.
Don’t listen to people who tell you that Yin and Yang do not exist. Use your own two eyes to see the evidence of things like the big neck of the wrestler, and Asian men demonstrating their kung Fu skill using their neck. Those Asian men are not stupid. They are demonstrating the strength of their neck for a reason.
They are demonstrating the strength of their neck, because to fellow practitioners of Kung Fu who understand how the Yin part of the body expresses itself, a test of neck strength is a test of Yin strength.
Because the Yin part of the body behaves as one big piece that moves and reacts as one big piece, the Yin strength of the neck is a direct measure of the Yin strength of all of the rest of the body too.
For those of you who have an insatiable need for knowledge of how development of the Yin part of the body will change the appearance of the human body, you will want to notice how prominent and well formed the jaw and face of the wrestler and the Asian man are.
That is another one of the effects of the development of strong Yin. The face will be very will formed and well defined as if it is a textbook picture of what a human face is supposed to look like.
The ears look erect and well formed,
and the Adam’s Apple of both men looks strong and prominent.
Focus on the exact shape and look of the ears. The way they are curved and the way they look like a funnel leading into the head. A strong looking Adam’s apples and prominent well formed ears are two more signs of the strong development of the Yin part of the body.
It should not be a suprise that a strong Adam’s apple is a sign of strong Yin development, since the Adam’s apple is in the middle of the neck, and this entire blog entry is about how the development of the Yin part of the body makes the neck strong.
Please notice the way the arms are held with the fists clenched.
Holding the arms out and clenching the fists is necessary to tighten the entire one piece yin part of the body to it’s ultimate strength. The man could do the test by clenching only his neck but it would not be as strong as it is with him holding his arms out and clenching his fists.
The following picture highlights the curved shape of the clenched fist.
That is another one of the changes that developing the Yin part of the body will make to the human body.