Category: Scientists R Stoopid

Story claiming to explain “Why Fentanly users fold over” is another example of how stoopid scientists are

Today a story was released that provides reasons why Fentanyl users fold over after taking the drug.
“Here’s why fentanyl users on S.F.’s streets are bent over”
One doctor says “UCSF professor of addiction medicine Dr. Daniel Ciccarone said what he calls the “nod” … is the balance point between passing out –– when you lose all muscular control and are on the floor –– versus some small remnant of consciousness that is keeping the person upright,” he said.” That claim is sort of accurate, but what does it really mean? But why does loss of muscular control cause the users to fold? Why don’t they just lay down? Why don’t they sit down? Why don’t they assume some other position? Why specifically do they fold over? Another doctor says basically the same thing “UCSF orthopedic surgeon Dr. Alexos Theologis, who specializes in the spine, said some people probably slump because of muscular issues.”. Once again the question is why do users fold over? Why not take some other position because of these “muscular issues”. What these doctors are doing is giving a very broad reason that is sort of correct as far as it goes, but the explanations provide no specifics.

As usual I will provide a hint for these stoopid scientists and any of their associates who hold similar views. Insight into why Fentanyl users fold in half the way that do will be found by contemplating their postures along with contemplating the Jewish practice of Kosher foods.

And that is all the hint they get.

Study Reveals Taking Ibuprofen Causes Male Infertility

Scientists are Stoopid. Really Stoopid. So Stoopid in fact that they constantly prescribe drugs for people that actually cause health problems instead of providing relief from health problems.

The study that this story is based on has revealed that taking Ibuprofen in the recommended doses cause male fertility problems. Which means all those men who are prescribed Ibuprofen for pain and a myriad other health problems, are actually being prescribed a drug which is going to lower their fertility or make them completely infertile. The stoopid scientists haven’t decided which yet. They need more time to study the situation.

Never trust a scientist or a doctor. They are stoopid. They do whatever idiotic thing a drug salesman or some book tells them they should do. They have no personal knowledge of what effects the drugs they prescribe have. So when can never know if the drug they give you for pain relief is going to end up killing your testicles and turning you into a eunuch or a woman or not.

A New AI Can Determine If A Person Is Gay Or Straight From A Facial Photograph. This Phenomenon Supports Both The Claims Made By Phrenology Decades Ago And The Claims Made By Happeh Theory Over The Last Decade

Artificial intelligence can accurately guess whether people are gay or straight based on photos of their faces, according to new research suggesting that machines can have significantly better “gaydar” than humans.

The researchers say that homosexual men were found to have narrower jaws, longer noses, larger foreheads and less facial hair than heterosexual men, and that homosexual women tended to have larger jaws and smaller foreheads than heterosexual women.

They added: “Lesbians tended to use less eye makeup, had darker hair, and wore less revealing clothes (note the higher neckline)—indicating less feminine grooming and style. Furthermore, although women tend to smile more in general, lesbians smiled less than their heterosexual counterparts.

Scientists Claim Phrenology Is Not A Valid Science. Now, In 2017, A Computer Application Used To Diagnose Genetic Diseases From Facial Pictures Proves That The Basic Principles Of Phrenology Are Correct.

This post is about a news article that has been released describing a doctor who can diagnose genetic diseases by simple visual examination of a patients face, and a company that has developed a computer program to perform the same diagnosis. This story proves that Phrenology is a valid science. Phrenology diagnoses illnesses by examining a patients head, and the doctor in the following story as well as the computer software described both diagnose genetic illnesses using a picture of a patient’s face.

Maximilian Muenke has a superpower: He can diagnose disease just by looking at a person’s face.

Specifically, he can spot certain genetic disorders that make telltale impressions on facial features.

“Once you’ve done it for a certain amount of years, you walk into a room and it’s like oh, that child has Williams Syndrome,” he said, referring to a genetic disorder that can affect a person’s cognitive abilities and heart.