The news story that is the subject of this blog entry reports on doctors who are unnecessarily implanting heart stents in patients for financial gain instead of medical need. The purpose of this blog entry and others in this series is to provide proof scientists and medical personnel do not always act in the best […]
Category: Scientists R Greedy
Scientists gave warned that botox injections – used by millions every year to banish wrinkles and plump-up lips – may cause muscles to waste away into fat. Researchers from the University of Calgary have found that the cosmetic treatment could cause harmful side effects – even areas of the body which have not been injected. […]
A small new study provides more evidence that, on average, antidepressants may be little more effective than a sugar pill in most patients who take them.
Ever worry that that gadget you spend hours holding next to your head might be damaging your brain? Well, the evidence is starting to pour in, and it’s not pretty. So why isn’t anyone in America doing anything about it?
The news story this blog entry is based on found that painkillers like Ibuprofen do not help with dementia. This story belongs in the Scientists R Stoopid section because it is an obvious example of scientists giving advice whose purpose is to make money. Their advice made millions for the companies producing Ibuprofen, but did […]