According to The Pyramid View Of The Human Body, the human body behaves as if there is a pyramid within it located approximately as shown in this picture.
Corroborating evidence for that claim comes from the fact that pyramid shapes can be found all over a human body in any imaginable pose that body may be holding.
This series of blog entries is dedicated to providing examples of the pyramid shapes that can be found all over the human body.
The example picture for this blog entry shows a swimmer holding a pose for a competition.
The example picture for this blog entry is an excellent one that demonstrates how the entire human body can behave as a pyramid.
There are pyramids formed by the hips, shoulders, and hands of each side of the body,
a pyramid is formed by the groin and each hand,
a pyramid is formed by the top of the head and head hip,
and a pyramid is formed by the groin and the shoulders.
The pyramids with their peaks located on the groin provide an intriguing observation the reader should ponder if they are truly interested in this material. At the same location as the peak of the pyramid is the hole of the woman’s vagina.
The interested reader will discover if they continue to look for instances of pyramids in the real world, that there is almost always either a cylinder or a hole associated with the peak of the pyramid. And a hole is really a cylinder sunk into some substance, so the relationship can be reworded as “There seems to be a cylinder whose axis is aligned on the same axis as the pyramid associated with most pyramids”
The next question the interested reader is going to want to think about is “Why? Why does it seem like there is a cylinder whose axis is aligned with the axis of a pyramid, associated with most pyramids?”.