“Anorexia Dent” is the name given to a depression in the side of the torso that can be caused by Masturbation, Excessive Sex, Homosexuality, Excessive Exercises, Injection or Snorting of Drugs, Anorexia, Youth or Old Age and Analytical Thought.
Because the depression is so prevalent among individuals with Anorexia, it was decided to name the condition “Anorexia Dent” regardless of what the actual cause of the dent is.
This picture shows an example of a mild Anorexia Dent.
The rest of the body will change in a specific, predictable way in reaction to the appearance of an Anorexia Dent. This example body is changed in the exact way Anorexia Dent will change a human body. Every single position of every single point on the woman’s body is affected in the usual way Anorexia Dent will affect a human body. An exact listing of the changes include a slightly bent right arm,
a longish and straight looking left arm,
the right hip is higher than the left hip,
which makes the both hips look slanted down to the left,
and the way the left leg hangs instead of being planted firmly on the ground.
There are two ways to describe how Anorexia, Masturbation, or any of the other previously listed activities can produce changes in the body that are visible to the naked eye.
From the perspective of Western Science the explanation would be – “Anorexia or Masturbation change the shape of the human body by tightening and shrinking the muscles, tendons, and other organic material of the body. As that internal organic material shrinks it alters the external shape of the body in a way that is visible to the unassisted eye”.
An alternative explanation can be provided by Yin Yang Theory. From the perspective of Yin Yang Theory, the explanation for why Masturbation and Anorexia change the external body in a way visible to the naked eye would be – “Anorexia and Masturbation both shrink the Yin part of the body”.
The difference between the Yin Yang Theory explanation and the Western Science explanation is mainly one of where the bodily shrinkage takes place and originates from.
The Western Science explanation would claim that the bodily shrinkage caused by Masturbation or Anorexia originated at and occurred in the local areas of the body that are shrunken.
The Yin Yang Theory explanation would claim the bodily shrinkage occurs at some central area within the body where the Yin originates. That shrinkage then affects other Yin areas of the body that are connected to the central Yin area.
The previous example picture of Anorexia Dent showed only the lower part of the body.
Here is a full body picture of an individual with Anorexia Dent.
This picture shows the exact way an entire human body will typically respond to the onset of Anorexia Dent. If the hip area is cut from the new example picture,
and compared to the previous Anorexia Dent example,
the similarities between the two Anorexia changed bodies can easily be seen.
Those similarities include a curved dent in the right side of the torso,
a comparatively straight left side of the torso,
a high right hip and low left hip,
which makes the hips together look slanted down to the left,
a locked straight right leg,
and a slanted left leg.