Right Hand Masturbation Affects Every Movement Of The Body – The Daily Insight – 7-16-11

The example picture for this blog entry shows a man and a woman looking at some cows.

The head of both the man and the woman are jutting out in front of their bodies.

Lines are drawn through the center of the body of the man and woman in the next picture to begin measuring how far their heads are jutting forwards.

Then a line through the center of their heads is added.

The arrows in the next picture highlight how far in front of the center of their bodies the center of their heads are.

Why are they jutting their heads out in front of their bodies? Why don’t they stand up straight and look at the cows while holding an erect posture?

The man’s head is jutting forwards because his body has been changed by Right Hand Masturbation. The integrity of the upper right part of his body has been broken so it cannot hold his head or right arm in their proper spatial relationship with the rest of his body.

Other observations that support that conclusion include the exact amount and shape of the left side of the face that has a dark look to it,

the angle of the arm to the body,

and curling of the hand.

The man should be using his hips and lower body to turn and focus his upper body and head on whatever it is he is interested in. 

The woman is jutting her head forwards mainly because the man is. She could have mentally chosen to mimic his movements to make him feel at ease, or she could be turning her head consciously or unconsciously because her body is being influenced by or reacting to the man’s energy.


  1. Because they are looking around a corner.  What do you mean he should be using his hips and lower body to turn and focus on whatever he’s interested in?   I can’t think of any other way to ‘bend and peep’ around a corner than what they are doing.

    Also, jutting forward head images of the lady is so bogus – I have huge boobs and because of that my spine at the neck is not straight at all, if I simply turn my head it probably looks like it is jutting out.  If I turn my head facing upwards the base of my head basically touches the top of my back and that lady looks like she has the same problem.  

    Get real.

    1. The human body has a center it moves from. That center is supposed to be in the center of the body, but it can move around. People who move from their hips and lower body look a certain way. People that move with the center of their body somewhere else also look a certain way. The way the man’s body looks indicates his center of movement is not where it should be in the center of his body.

      The “I can’t think of any other way to ‘bend and peep’ around a corner than what they are doing” helps make my point.

      Why do they have to bend and peep around the corner? Why didn’t they just walk around the corner and look straight at the cows? There is nothing in the picture preventing them from doing that. And I don’t think the people are peeping on the cows because they are afraid the cows will see them looking and stop what they are doing.

      The man is bending and peeping around the corner because his eyes are not connected to his center. They can get out in front of the rest of his body on their own, so they do.

    2. The human body has a center it moves from. That center is supposed to be in the center of the body, but it can move around. People who move from their hips and lower body look a certain way. People that move with the center of their body somewhere else also look a certain way. The way the man’s body looks indicates his center of movement is not where it should be in the center of his body.

      The “I can’t think of any other way to ‘bend and peep’ around a corner than what they are doing” helps make my point.

      Why do they have to bend and peep around the corner? Why didn’t they just walk around the corner and look straight at the cows? There is nothing in the picture preventing them from doing that. And I don’t think the people are peeping on the cows because they are afraid the cows will see them looking and stop what they are doing.

      The man is bending and peeping around the corner because his eyes are not connected to his center. They can get out in front of the rest of his body on their own, so they do.

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