The Worm View Of The Human Body – Book Chapter

The material in this blog post was originally a chapter from a book on Happeh Theory.


The Worm View of the Human Body

The Worm View of the body is a modification to the Blob View of the body. This modification makes the Blob View of the body more closely resemble the familiar human body. The first thing to do is to show that a blob and a worm are similar. Below is a comparison picture of a worm and the computer model blob.


In the Blob View of the body, it was said the blob could be described as a fluid filled sack. A worm can also be described as a fluid filled sack. The blob was described as shapeless and deformable. This means the blob can take on any shape. A worm is confined to a generally cylindrical shape. The difference in physical outer shape does not change the fact that both a blob and a worm are fluid filled sacks. A worm and a blob are, for the most part, identical.

There must be some difference between a worm and a blob. Otherwise they would both be called worms, or blobs. What is the basis for classifying a worm and a blob as two completely different things?

A worm is a long cylindrical creature with a hole at either end. One hole is the mouth for ingesting dirt, the other hole is for excreting waste. The tube or cylinder connecting the mouth to the waste exit is called an alimentary canal. The alimentary canal contains various organs that extract nutrition from the food. Below is a cutaway drawing of an earth worm.


The mouth is the elliptical opening on the right side of the drawing. The cylindrical or rectangular appearing end on the left is the waste end of the alimentary canal.

A worm is really nothing more than a blob that has been punctured so that there are two exit holes in the skin of the blob, and a tube connecting the puncture holes. The blob in the picture below has been punctured vertically. The blob could be punctured across any part of it’s surface. The only requirement is that a tube transversing the entire blob is created with an opening at either end.


Now that the blob has been punctured, it physically resembles a worm except for the shape. Because the blob is shapeless and deformable, it can change into the shape of a worm without affecting the function of the blob.


The spherically shaped blob on the left was compressed horizontally so that it assumes the shape in the middle picture. The shape of the blob in the center picture generally resembles the elliptically shaped real life worm on the far right. Although it is not visible, the mouth / alimentary canal / waste exit combination of the worm is oriented in the same vertical direction as the tube puncturing the blob.

The Blob View of the body said the human body could be described as a shapeless, deformable blob. The demonstration above describes how a blob is like a worm. If a human being is like a blob, and a blob is like a worm, then the human body must be like a worm.
The Worm View of the body says that a worm can be used as a theoretical model to provide insight into the real life behavior of the human body. The picture below compares a worm to a mature human body.


At first glance, there is no resemblance at all between a worm and a human being. We need to look past the surface appearance to a more basic level.

At the most basic level, all complex living creatures need three things to sustain life. A mouth, a digestive tube or alimentary canal, and a waste exit. We know from the previous page that a worm has all three of these requirements. A human being also has a mouth, an alimentary canal, and a waste exit. Therefore, on a basic level, a worm and a human being are the same.

The alimentary canal of a worm is a simple straight cylinder. In the human being, the alimentary canal is not a simple cylinder. The alimentary canal of the human being twists and turns and changes shape and size. The picture below shows the complete human alimentary canal. The alimentary canal starts at the mouth, then travels down to the stomach and intestines, where it crosses back and forth until it turns downwards to the anus, or waste outlet.


In general, both the alimentary canal of the worm and the human being can be described as an elongated and distorted torus shape. A torus is a fancy name for a doughnut. Below is a picture of a torus. Beginning on the left, there is a front view, a side view in the center, and an angled view of a torus on the right.


All that needs to be done to make the doughnut shape look like an alimentary canal is to stretch the torus out lengthwise as shown below.


As you can see in the comparison picture below, the elongated torus and the worm are generally the same shape.


The torus and the worm both have a hollow tube in the center with an exit at each end. For the purposes of this discussion, the worm will be treated as an idealized perfect torus shape like the computer model above. Even though the alimentary canal of the human being twists and turns, it will also be treated as an idealized perfect torus shape.

The Worm View of the body can be used to demonstrate the effects on the body of practices such as yoga or martial arts. Yoga, martial arts, etc., are designed to lift the person to a higher plane of existence. Part of this process is to physically develop the body so that it is strong and healthy.

A strong and healthy body is a prerequisite for the mind to be healthy because of the definition of the Blob View of the body. The Blob View of the body says the entire blob is one connected piece. Anything that happens to one part of the blob must affect the entire blob. If the body is physically weak, the mind must also have some weakness according to the Blob View of the body.

One way to describe these physical and mental improvements is to say the experienced person has gained a deeper control of their body. A normal person would be described as controlling the surface layer of their body. The picture below is of a human being in the overhead view. The normal person would control the blue area using this model.


According to the Blob View of the body, as the person gained control of areas of the torso closer to the center of the body, they would simultaneously be activating areas of the brain that are closer to the center of the body. The red circle above includes the center of the body and the center of the brain.

One of the real world benefits of martial arts or yoga, etc, is to increase the amount of the alimentary canal the person can consciously control or sense. This fact can be used to construct a simple model to demonstrate how the process of improving the human body takes place.

An outline of the torus shape / worm, which represents the man’s mouth / alimentary canal / waste exit combination, is overlaid on the path between the mouth and the anus on the human body below.


The next picture demonstrates how the normal person would appear using this theoretical model. The mouth, throat, anus, and rectum areas are colored in red, signifying that these areas are under the man’s conscious control.


As the person progressed in their practice, they would slowly gain more and more control of the mouth / alimentary canal / waste exit combination. The picture below shows the throat and part of the lower intestines colored in blue to indicate they can now be consciously controlled. This might be a person who had practiced martial arts for 3 to 5 years.


This process continues as long as the person continues to practice whatever physical discipline they are involved in. Some people will experience these changes to their body without the need for special exercises.

The picture below shows the next stage of the process. This could be said to indicate ten to fifteen years of practice.


The green areas signify that the man can now consciously control the alimentary canal traveling through the chest area, as well as the rest of the lower intestines, and part of the upper intestines.

The pinnacle of achievement would be when a person gained control of the entire alimentary canal. The pink color fills in the remainder of the torus shape, indicating the man has gained conscious control of his entire alimentary canal, from the mouth to the anus.


The implication of the picture above is that, as the person gains conscious control of the alimentary canal closer towards the center of the body, they also gain control of the internal organs, etc., that surround the alimentary canal. The performance and health of the internal organs will improve as a result of this conscious internal awareness of them.

As the level of conscious control of the alimentary canal changes, a person can feel sensations as if the bottom of the mouth or the anus has extended to the current level where conscious control of the alimentary canal ends. Here is the example picture of a person with complete control of the alimentary canal.


The current example will use the mouth. A normal person’s mouth would be described as ending at the back of the throat. That level would be at the lower boundary of the red area on the mouth of the model above.

In the picture below, there is a mouth located to the side of the body at each further level of attainment. The mouths are meant to emphasize the movement of the back of the mouth. The back of the mouth coincides with the moving boundary line indicating what part of the alimentary canal the person can currently control.


At the first level of attainment, the bottom of the mouth could feel like it was at the base of the throat at the bottom of the blue area. At the next level of attainment, the back of the mouth could feel like it was at the bottom of the rib cage at the bottom of the green area. At the last stage of achievement, the bottom of the mouth could feel as if it was located in the center of the stomach.
The description of the back of mouth moving is not just a theoretical idea. In real life, a person will really feel sensations within their body as if this is happening. When a normal person moves their mouth, they might feel as if the muscles of the inside of the mouth run from the lips to the back of the throat. The red lines on the picture below highlight the described area.


Simultaneously with the back of the mouth moving down into the alimentary canal, the person can feel as if their mouth opening is enlarging. The picture below demonstrates this idea.


The mouth opening now runs from the top of the forehead to the bottom of the chin. The yellow circle in the stomach is where the bottom of the mouth, or the bottom of the anus would be located.

The description of the mouth opening enlarging would look something like a wild animal growling. When a gorilla becomes angry, it opens it’s mouth very wide and roars. The gorilla can open it’s mouth so wide because he is opening his mouth from the center of his stomach as shown in the picture above. Instead of just the small muscles of the jaw and mouth pulling on the mouth opening, the muscles of his torso are pulling the mouth opening wide.

The previous picture leads to another property of the Worm View of the body that is very useful. The picture below will help demonstrate this property. The picture on the right is the previous picture showing the base of the mouth and the anus as being located at the yellow circle in the stomach. The picture on the left is the same situation from the front view.


The claim that the mouth and anus are both anchored at the stomach imply that the mouth must balance the anus. If the stomach is the center of the body, and the mouth and the anus are at either end, the forces the mouth and anus generate must be balanced to hold the center at it’s location in the stomach.

If the forces the mouth and the anus generate are unbalanced, then the center would move from the stomach to a different part of the body. If the mouth was stronger, the center would move upwards. If the anus was stronger, the center would move downwards.


This idea of a proper center connecting the back of the mouth and the back of the anus can be used for diagnosing the health of a human being. The observer would inspect a person to see if the center point has moved from it’s proper position in the stomach. A skilled person can see the movement of the person’s center from outside of their body quite easily. If the center point has moved, the person’s health will be negatively affected in some way.

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