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This video is titled “Why was Jesus crucified?”
Jesus is the main religious figure of the christian religion. According to legends, Jesus died from being crucified. Crucifixion is a form of torture, in which a human being is fastened in some way, to a vertically standing cross.
This picture shows a vertically standing cross.
A human being who was being crucified,
would be fastened to the cross as shown in this picture.
Both of the legs are fastened to the vertical piece of the cross,
while the arms are spread outwards along the horizontal piece of the cross.
Why was Jesus crucified, instead of some other form of torture? Was it because the people doing the torturing liked crucifixion? Were people crucified because it was a directive of the government? Or maybe the religious establishment had decreed, that people must be crucified to meet some religious conditions?
According to Happeh Theory, Jesus was crucified because he was really was a holy person, and crucifixion is a form of torture, that is excruciatingly painful for holy people.
Why would crucifixion be excruciatingly painful for holy people? Because according to Happeh Theory, the body of a holy person will exhibit certain physical characteristics, and the crucifixion process is specifically designed ,to cause the maximum pain possible, to a human being whose body exhibits those physical characteristics.
Before proceeding with the explanation, for why crucifixion is excruciatingly painful for a holy person, it is necessary to discuss the meaning of the word “holy”.
The word “holy”, can be defined as “saintly or godly”. What does that definition really mean though? “God” can be defined as, “a being of supernatural powers or attributes”.
So a saintly, godly, or holy human being, would be a human being who exhibited supernatural powers or attributes.
What is a supernatural power or attribute? According to Happeh Theory, the word “supernatural” can be defined as, anything that someone does not understand, or cannot explain. That would imply that something would or would not be supernatural, depending on the person who was describing the something.
That would also imply that nothing is really supernatural. Anything described as supernatural or unexplainable, would only be supernatural or unexplainable, until someone appeared with an explaination, for whatever the supernatural something was.
According to legends, Jesus demonstrated various powers and attributes that other people could not explain. That would make the powers and attributes demonstrated by Jesus supernatural, because supernatural was defined as something a person could not explain.
Because Jesus demonstrated supernatural powers or attributes, people said he was holy person, because he met the definition of a holy person. A human being who demonstrates unexplainable powers or attributes.
According to Happeh Theory, concepts found in modern science, can be used to explain the powers and attributes demonstrated by Jesus. That would imply that Jesus was not really a holy human being, because he does not meet the definition of a holy human being. A human being who demonstrates unexplainable powers and attributes.
According to Happeh Theory, that means that the word “ holy “ needs to be more accurately, or more correctly defined.
According to Happeh Theory, a more accurate definition for the term “holy” would be, “any person who demonstrates the powers and attributes, associated with having a high level of energy, and who uses those powers and attributes, in the service of a religion or a god”.
Why is it necessary to be so precise, about the definition of the word “ holy “? Because a human being can develop a high level of energy, and the powers and attributes associated with a high level of energy, but they do not have to use those powers and attributes, in the service of a religion or a god.
The powers and attributes, that are developed by a human being with a high energy level, can be used by that human being in any way they choose.
The reason that distinction is so important, is because the following discussion about why crucifixion, is excruciatingly painful for holy people, applies to any human being whose body has been physically changed, in the way associated with the development of a high level of energy.
The body of a human being with a high energy level, will exhibit certain characteristic physical changes. According to Happeh Theory, the reason that crucifixion is excruciatingly painful, to any high energy level human being, is because the shoulders of a high energy level human being, will assume a strongly curved shape.
The person in this picture,
is an example of a high energy level human being, who used the powers or attributes associated with a high energy level, for something other than service to a religion or a god. The shoulders of this man have a strongly curved shape.
According to the previous discussion, since Jesus has been described as a person with a high energy level, his shoulders would have been strongly curved, like the shoulders of the man in this picture.
Why would having curved shoulders, make crucifixion excruciatingly painful?
This picture shows an overhead view of a vertically standing cross used for crucifixion.
From this angle, it can be seen that the vertical and horizontal surfaces of the cross are flat.
This picture shows a model human being placed against the cross as it would be for crucifixion.
The shoulders of the model human being are mostly straight,
so they lay mostly flat against the horizontal part of the cross.
This picture makes it look like crucifixion could not be very painful.
The model human body looks like it is laying flat on the cross,
like a human being would lay flat on a bed to go to sleep.
Laying flat on a bed is not painful.