The energy of the human body can be treated in different ways. One way is to treat the energy of the human body as if it is a sphere or ellipse that is centered on the physical body, and completely encloses and surrounds the physical human body as demonstrated in the following picture.
It would be natural to wonder why the energy of a human is can be treated as a sphere or ellipse with the physical body at it’s center. The reason why according to Happeh Theory has to do with the physical nature of a human being.
A common reply to the question “What is the physical nature of a human being” might be something like “A human body consists of a torso with head, arms, and legs attached. While that description is an accurate one, a human being can also be described in other ways.
A human being could be described as a large air bubble. One of the main requirements for a human being to stay alive is air. The air moving in, being temporarily stored within the body, then moving back out, can be treated as a large air bubble for purposes of simplicity. Although that description of what a human being is might sound odd, it is actually a more useful or accurate definition of a human being in many ways than the previous definition.
For instance. A dead body would fit the definition of a human being as “A torso with a head, arms, and legs attached. But a dead body is not usually considered to be a human being. The term “human being” is usually applied to living human bodies.
This picture showing an air bubble enclosed within a water drop,
and this drawing of the lungs and trachea superimposed on a human body in their proper location,
can be used to help visualize one way the air bubble within the human body might appear.
First the air bubble within the water droplet is compared to the lung/trachea picture.
The water droplet
would equate to the human body.
while the air bubble within the water droplet could be compared to either one lung
or both lungs
The next picture shows a perfect circle meant to represent the air bubble enclosing both lungs.
The breathing cycle of a human being consists of an inhale followed by an exhale. On the exhale the air bubble within the body would shrink as the air left the body.
The inhalation part of the breathing cycle would expand the air bubble within the body.
That should be enough information for the perceptive individual to figure out on their own why the energy of the human body is commonly depicted as a sphere or ellipse surrounding the body.
According to Happeh Theory, the energy of the human body is depicted as a sphere or ellipse surrounding the human body,
because the energy of a living human body is directly related to the spherical air bubble that must be inside the body of any living creature.
The above picture will likely be of concern to some readers because there is something about the picture that does not feel right to them. In the picture showing the air bubble expanding within the body on the inhalation part of the breathing cycle, the un-expanded and expanded air bubbles share the same center.
In the picture claiming to represent the direct relationship between the air bubble in the lungs and the sphere of energy surrounding the human body, the center of the air bubble is not located on the same spot as the center of the energy sphere surrounding the body.
That is easy to fix isn’t it? All that has to be done is move the air bubble in the lungs so it has the same center as the sphere of energy surrounding the human body.
There will likely be readers who disagree with that action. Their position would be something like “The lungs are located in the chest. You claim the energy sphere surrounding the human body is related to the air bubble within the body. Common sense and scientific thinking would dictate the air bubble and the energy sphere should share the same center if they are indeed related. But they don’t. And when that glaring discrepancy is pointed out, you changed the demonstration picture so it fits your claims, with no regards to reality.
The lungs are located in the chest. Not in the stomach. So how can you possibly justify locating the air bubble within the human body in the stomach area as you have done in the picture showing the air bubble and the energy sphere with the same centers?”.
If you actually thought all of that on your own, you are a one in a million kind of person. Most people will not give that kind of considered thought to material they read, which is why they can be taken advantage of.
If you are a reader who thought through the process described above, you are absolutely correct according to the information that has been provided. The lungs are in the chest, which means the actual air bubble must be located in the chest. Moving the air bubble within the body from the lungs where it really exists down to the stomach with no explanation is an arbitrary act that could easily be interpreted as incorrect or even dishonest.
That is only according to the information that has been provided so far though.
Human beings have the ability to perform what is called “Belly Breathing”. These kinds of human beings use their stomach to breath with instead of their lungs.
That statement should also set off alarm bells in readers who have made it this far. There is no way for air to enter into the stomach and there is no place to store air in the stomach. It is literally impossible to “breath with the belly” as the act of breathing is commonly visualized.
“Belly Breathing” does not involve the actual movement of air into the belly or the actual storage of air in the belly. “Belly Breathing” involves using the muscles in the stomach area to control the acts of inhalation and exhalation, instead of using the muscles of the chest to control the acts of inhalation and exhalation.
It is for that reason that the center of the air bubble within the human body can be moved so it coincides with the sphere of energy surrounding the human body.
The location of the air bubble in the stomach does not represent and actual bubble filled with air. It represents the forces required to capture and control a bubble of air.
Those statements are not just the claims of Happeh Theory. Any reader who wishes to verify the ideas and claims presented in this article can find supporting material in the sciences of Physics and Engineering. You will want to look into the subject called “Center Of Action”.
Less stringent corroborating material can be found in material devoted to the practice of “Kung Fu”, which is the Asian name for hand to hand combat, and material devoted to esoteric enlightment. The subject of “belly breathing” is found frequently in material concerning both of those areas. The phrase “Dan Tien” will be of special interest.
There is also real life corroboration for these claims by Happeh Theory. Belly Breathing is not something that was just made up by Happeh Theory, something imaginary that is only useful to scientists, or something mystical that is supposed to enlighten you in some way. Belly Breathing is an actual physical phenomenon you can see with your own two eyes.
All you have to do is pay attention in your daily life to the people around you, or perhaps people you see in movies or on the television. If you watch with an attentive eye, you will see people that are breathing with their stomach.