Why Is A Cross The Holy Symbol For The Christian Religion? – The Secrets Of Life 38

All religions created by human beings have some kind of symbol associated with them that represents their religion and their concept of “holiness”. The Christian religion uses a cross for it’s holy symbol. The Christian cross has no certain set shape. The next picture shows a wide variety of cross shapes that have all been used by the Christian religion.

The natural question arising from this information is “Why does the Christian religion use a cross as the symbol to represent the Christian religion and their concept of holiness?”. One possible reason could be something trivial such as fashion sense. Someone in the Christian religion liked the shape of the cross so they chose that shape to represent the Christian religion.

Religion is a serious subject that inspires reverence and awe in it’s believers. Does it seem that the adherents of a serious subject like religion, who view the religion with the heavy and serious emotional reactions of reverence and awe, do something as frivolous and lighthearted as choosing a cross to represent the Christian religion because it looked good?

That reason does not seem believable at all. It seems much more likely that the serious people who create and are involved with religions would have a serious reason for choosing the cross to represent the Christian religion.

According to Happeh Theory, the cross was chosen to represent the Christian religion for serious reasons. According to Happeh Theory, the symbols for all human religions were chosen for very solid and rational reasons.

Happeh Theory is a collection of information about the construction and behavior of the human body, as well as insights that information can provide into the cultural beliefs and physical artifacts of human beings. Religion would fall into the category of “cultural beliefs”.

According to Happeh Theory, all human inventions are based on something from or about the human body. That includes all physical inventions as well as all mental and philosophical creations.

According to Happeh Theory, the Christian religion chose the cross as the sign of their religion because a cross is a symbol associated with the high level physical and mental development of the human body in a specific way, and that specific way of high level physical and mental development is associated with the development of abilities commonly described as “holy”.

Some of those “holy abilities” include what are commonly referred to as “psychic powers”. These powers include telepathy, the ability to influence or control the thinking of another human being, and the ability to influence or control the physical body of another human being.

It is easy to see why the peak physical condition of the human body would be associated with religions, since the goal of religions is the pursuit of holiness or “godliness”. The power to read another person’s mind, the power to converse with another person’s mind, the power to take over another person’s mind, and the power to take over another person’s physical body, would all seem like godlike powers. So of course religious people who wanted to be like gods would know they first needed a highly developed physical body if they wanted to become godlike and attain godlike abilities.

Keeping in mind the subject of this blog entry and everything that has been said up to this point, please take some time to carefully examine the following picture for anything that might be related to what has been said.

The picture shows a man who is swallowing 18 swords. It seems obvious that this man is an example of a human being at a high level of physical development. Most human beings cannot even swallow one sword yet this man is swallowing 18 swords. There should be no objection to the claim that the man in the picture is an example of a human being whose body is at a high level of physical development.

It was claimed that a high level of physical development is associated with holiness, which implies that this man would fit the description of a holy man. It was also claimed that the Christian religion chose a cross shape as it’s holy symbol because the cross shape was associated with a highly developed physical body.

The reason why the Christian religion chose a cross as it’s holy symbol can be found in the body of the example man. Do you see what it is in the man’s body that inspired Christians to choose a cross as their holy symbol?

It is just as important to learn how to think for oneself as it is to gain unknown knowledge. For that reason the remainder of this blog entry will be written in a way to demonstrate the type of thinking that will facilitate the efforts of anyone attempting to learn Happeh Theory.

The interested reader will most likely never truly understand Happeh Theory unless they can learn to think like a detective. It is only possible to provide so much information on any subject. At some point the individual recieving the information has to develop the ability to see the implications in the provided information that are not specifically stated.

Detectives work by taking individual clues and putting them together until they get an answer. The clues to answer the question “Why did the Christians choose a cross as their holy symbol?” that have been provided so far, include the picture of the different types of cross shapes and the statement that somewhere on the man’s body is something that explains why the cross is the holy symbol for the Christian religion.

The next picture provides another clue that should help the motivated individual find what it is in the man’s body that inspiried the Christian religion to chose a cross for it’s holy shape.

The picture shows a cross with a specific shape. The four arms of the cross are all the same size. Each arm of the cross curves from the same width at the end of the cross arm down to a more narrow width where the arm of the cross connects to the body of the cross.

The phenomenon of a highly developed human body that inspired the Christian religion to choose a cross for it’s holy symbol, looks more like the example cross above than any of the other example crosses.

If you have not already found the inspiration for the Christian religion to choose a cross shape as it’s holy symbol, please try again now that you have a better idea of the kind of shape you are looking for.

A detective will combine their own knowledge with the clues that they have gathered in the hopes of reaching some worthwhile conclusion. The motivated person does not need to wait for the author to provide clues. Readers who have referred to their own knowledge of religions have probably discovered what it is about the man’s body that is the inspiration for the Christian religion to choose a cross for it’s holy symbol.

For those readers who have not found anything in the man’s body, you most likely already know about the next clue that will be presented. You just have not thought about it yet because you have not trained yourself to think like a detective.

Religions always talk about the heart and how important it is to the pursuit of the religion. The next picture outlines the approximate location of the heart within the human body.

The inspiration for choosing the cross as the Christian religion holy symbol is related to the heart. With that additional clue please try once again to discover the inspiration behind the Christian cross.

For those readers that still cannot find the inspiration for the Christian cross, there is another lesson available for you to consider.

When anyone is talking to you about anything, you don’t have to be limited by what they give you. As an independent human being you can do anything you want to in order to help yourself understand what another human being is saying.

If you have not found the inspiration for the Christian cross by this point there is probably only one reason why. You complacently accepted what the author provided as clues and used only those clues to attempt to figure out the solution.

The picture of the man is too small for the untrained individual to be certain of seeing everything clearly. As an independent individual who is curious enough to follow the blog entry this far, why didn’t you think to blow up the picture on your own and examine the bigger picture? There is no authority figure that is going to pounce on you for doing whatever you want to do.

If you do not understand something that someone is talking to you about and they give you pictures, don’t just stand there with the pictures they gave you. Take those pictures and manipulate them in some intelligent manner that might help you understand the point that is being made.

Here is the picture of the example man.

This picture is plenty big enough to make the inspiration for the Christian cross as easily visible as it can be. With all of the clues that have been provided can you now find what it is that inspired the Christian religion to choose a cross as it’s holy symbol?

With the big picture the clures are not even necessary because the inspiration for the Christian cross is so easy to see. The reason the Christian religion choose a cross as it’s holy symbol is that a cross shape naturally forms over the heart of a human being whose physical body is highly developed in a particular way.

The vertical part of the cross is easily seen on the man’s chest. The vertical bar of the cross almost looks like it is growing out of the man’s chest.

The horizontal bar of the cross does not stick out of the chest. The horizontal bar of the cross is a depression in the man’s chest.

It is the horizontal bar of the cross on the man’s chest that links most closely with with curved cross provided as a clue earlier. The sides of the horizontal bar have a noticeable curved shape from the outside of the horizontal cross bar down into the vertical centerpiece.

According to Happeh Theory, in ancient times when the Christian religion was originally invented, human beings did not become Christians by walking in the door of the church and proclaiming themselves Christians as is common in the modern world.

According to Happeh Theory, in ancient times a true Christian was a human being whose highly developed physical body clearly displayed a plainly visible cross shape over their heart. That cross shape over their heart indicated that human being was highly likely to be able to exercise the previously listed “godlike” abilities of reading the mind of another human being, conversing with the mind of another human being, controlling the mind of another human being, and controlling the physical body of another human being.


The reader who is truly intrigued by Happeh Theory will want to notice something else about the area where the cross on the man’s chest is located. It looks like there is a face on the man’s chest over his heart.

That is not a coincidence. According to Happeh Theory there is more than one duplicate of the human face that can be seen elsewhere on the human body.

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