“Anorexia” is a health condition characterized by extreme weight loss. “Anorexia Dent” is the name given by Happeh Theory to a characteristic depression found in the side of the torso of individual’s who have Anorexia.
According to Happeh Theory, Anorexic weight loss does not occur evenly over the entire body. According To Happeh Theory, the condition known as Anorexia is the result of the extreme shrinkage of one half of the body. It is the extreme weight loss on one side of the body that causes the development of Anorexia Dent.
An example of a human body with an “Anorexia Dent” is shown in the picture below.
This woman has an extreme case of Anorexia Dent on the right side of her body. The right side of her torso where the Anorexia Dent has developed is wide and curves deeply into the right side of the body. The curve in the same area of the left side of the woman’s body looks relatively short and shallow.
The picture above could be used as a medical poster demonstrating exactly how Anorexia Dent changes a human body.
The most glaring Anorexia Dent related change to the woman’s body, even more attention grabbing than the Anorexia Dent itself, is the look of the woman’s right leg.
The right hip looks like it is moving to the right.
The right leg looks relatively straight up and down,
The right leg almost looks like it is standing there all by itself.
An isolated leg that looks like it is standing by itself is the second main identifying characteristic of a case of Anorexia Dent. The first main identifying characteristic of a case of Anorexia Dent is the Anorexia Dent itself.
There are two reasons the right leg looks like it is standing there by itself. One reason is that the shrinkage of the right side of the body has shrunk the parts of the body that connect the leg to the body. The line in the next picture highlights the area of the body that should be connected to the right leg, but instead has shrunken away to nothing.
The other reason the right leg looks like it is standing there by itself is because of the woman’s pose. Her upper body is leaning to the left and her left leg is extended far out to the left. The right leg looks like it is standing there by itself because it really is standing there mostly by itself. Every other part of the woman’s body is leaning away from the right leg to the left.
A vertical line drawn through the center of the right leg joint shows how none of the body, not even the right foot, lines up with the right leg joint. The entire body looks like it is to the left of the right leg joint.
The same shrinkage of the right side of the body that causes the Anorexia Dent and the isolated look of the right leg, also changes the look of the hips. While the look of the hips is partly the result of the right leg standing up straight and the left leg stretching out to the left,
the longish, flatish, and smooth look of the right hip,
and the much different humped, rounded, and shorter look of the left hip,
is the result of the same shrinkage of the body that caused the Anorexia Dent in the right side of the woman’s body.
Please note the relationship between the curves of each hip.
The difference in the hips is not just a visual one. The changes to the hips affect how the hips and legs move. The short and humped look of the left hip is responsible for the tendency of the woman’s left leg to rotate and stretch out to the left.
The difference in height between the standing straight up right leg and the stretched outward and rotated left leg make the hips and the shoulders look slanted from high on the right to low on the left.
A picture presented earlier highlighted an area of the right side of the body that was said to be responsible for the isolated look of the right leg. That area of the body was claimed to be shrunken which made the right leg look visually isolated.
That shrunken area of the right side of the body covers part of the right arm.
The shrinkage of the body that causes the development of Anorexia Dent will also shrink the arm on the same side of the body as the Anorexia Dent, approximately in the area indicated by the arrows. That part of the arm is one of the Yin areas of the arm.
The shrinkage of that part of the right arm will give the right arm a tendency to float upwards. Because the arms are connected to each other the left arm will have a tendency to move up and towards the right arm as it moves upwards.
Although the look of the woman’s arms are partly the result of being positioned that way at the request of the photographer, the woman’s arms will always have a tendency to move up as they are in the photograph because of Anorexia related shrinkage of the right side of her body.
The shrinkage of the right side of the body that causes Anorexia Dent also affects the head.
The shrinkage of the right side of the head makes the woman’s head tilt to her right, the same side of the body as the Anorexia Dent.
The shrinkage of the head is also responsible for the look of the woman’s face and hair. The woman’s hair is combed so that only the shrunken right side of the face is visible. The left side of the face is completely covered by her hair.
The shrinkage of the right side of the woman’s head will make her right eye her dominant eye. The woman doesn’t care if her hair is covering her left eye because she doesn’t use the left eye much. The woman is basically blinded in the left eye.
All of the previously noted changes in the woman’s body involved the right side of her body. That fact corroborates the claim stated at the beginning of this blog entry, that Anorexia Dent is the result of uneven weight loss that more strongly shrinks one half of the body than the other half of the body. In this case the right half of the woman’s body.
According to Happeh Theory, the changes that the development of an Anorexia Dent make in a human body are similar to the changes that masturbation makes to a human body. The reason why is that masturbation and the bodily shrinkage associated with a case of Anorexia Dent affect the same part of the human body. The next part of this blog entry will provide evidence to support that claim.
Wow. Um. That woman is wearing a corset, ya know, those undergarments that pinch the waist for a more dramatic hourglass?. Yea, and if you stand like that, your hips will not appear even. You might study more human anatomy. This is just ridiculous.
(1) – What leads you to believe she is wearing a corset? I see a red dress?
(2) – Yes if you stand with your leg stretched out it will make the hips appear slanted. That is an entirely separate issue from whether or not the body is lopsided to begin with.
(3) – I would suggest you either visit an opthamologist to have your eyesight checked or admit that you do not observe to well.
A ruler and tape measure will prove I am right and you are wrong. I cannot help it if you are incapable of seeing size and alignment differences in some object.
This website is geared more towards people who can think for themselves. I will help anyone who asks, but I cannot give a person intelligence, the ability to think independently, or good eyesight.
No she’s very obviously wearing a corset. I’m 100% not anorexic I just have a high metabolism and my hips look like that. Where my stomach goes thin and my hips jut out.. some people’s bodies are just like that.
This is the stupidest thing I have ever come across. She is OBVIOUSLY wearing a corset or some type of body shaper UNDERNEATH the dress. Not to mention the positioning of her body will make things uneven. She’s purposely jutting that hip out. It’s a Jessica Rabbit costume! Exaggerated features come with the territory! I have a feeling that you’re male and have absolutely no idea of the female hip positions considering they are shaped completely different than the male skeleton and allow us to contort into positions most males would find difficult if not impossible. You want to prove a point? Use a model that’s standing perfectly straight and is wearing minimal clothing so your ‘measurements’ aren’t obscured. You also might want to try having a control for comparison. But in my opinion, that’s kind of common sense if you have even the most basic knowledge of the scientific process.
I agree, use models who are actually standing up straight and not popping their hips out. This happens with every relatively skinny woman if they position themselves in this way. Hell, I’m about the same size as some of these “anorexics” that they’re using to “prove” their theory and of COURSE there’s a dent when I lean to the side. I’m skinny, my ribs show when I inhale deeply and my spine sticks out when I bend over, but I’m perfectly within a healthy weight limit for my height, (5’5 and 120) This “theory” is ridiculous.
Why has no one has considered, say, PHOTOSHOP!? A corset is possible, but a case of extreme retouching is far more likely.
It’s also impossible to have anorexia affect a single part of the anatomy. Aside from her inhuman (again, see above) stomach, this woman is quite healthy. This is ridiculous.
Why is it impossible for Anorexia to affect a single part of the Anatomy?
If you make a claim you must provide some justification for that claim is you expect people to take you seriously.
LOL this is the funniest thing… are you serious??? She has the hair over one eye because she is blind in one eye? You know this is a costume right? You know she is taking off a cartoon character and has her hair like that to match the cartoon… She clearly has a corset on to look more like the cartoon… if u don’t know that maybe u should go try one on and her leg LOL yeah ok maybe u need to talk to a photographer
The reference you used is a picture of a woman named Annette Edwards. She’s had extensive plastic surgery and dieting to look like the cartoon character Jessica Rabbit (as most people have already told you), and was confirmed to be wearing a corset in this photoshoot. Basically everything else you attempted to point out is actually just how the normal human body works in a pose like that; I’m not sure you really know what you’re talking about here.
Try again on a model standing straight with all of her face shown (and preferably not in a costume). You really shouldn’t have tried to analyze someone who isn’t even standing straight in the first place. :/