Dog Chews Off Drunk US Man’s Toe In ‘Lifesaving Move’

A dog in Britain did this. They killed the poor little dog. I wrote a message at a public newspaper explaining what had happened, basically what is printed in this story, and asked them how they could kill a dog that saved it’s owners life.

That message years ago saved the life of the dog in this story. That message was probably passed around the medical community and people were told to look out for similar situations.


A dog chewed off its owner’s toe while the Michigan man was passed out drunk in a move that could save his life

Video interview

Jerry Douthett said he was grateful for his pet, Kiko’s behaviour, as it had helped uncover an undiagnosed diabetic condition. The diagnosis led to treatment that could save Mr Douthett’s life.

The Grand Rapids Press reported that the 48-year-old musician knew for a while something was wrong with his foot.

He resisted seeking care for weeks, eventually giving in to his nurse wife’s pressure one day last month.

Before going for the appointment, Mr Douthett told the paper he went out drinking, then came home and passed out.

When he awoke, the Jack Russell terrier was beside him in bed and lots of blood was where his toe used to be.

His wife rushed him to Spectrum Health Blodgett Campus, where doctors found a bone infection and amputated the rest of the toe.

Doctors also realised that the US man had been suffering from undiagnosed Type 2 diabetes, for which he is now receiving treatment.

The family’s pet is still living with them, but is under observation by authorities.

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