Breast Cancer Is Not Just The Breast 02

According to Happeh Theory, breast cancer can be caused by or aggravated by physical constriction of the breast. The physical constriction of the breast restricts the normal flow of blood and energy into the breast. The loss of the proper amounts of blood and energy, and the tightening of the breast caused by it’s constriction, can either cause or aggravate breast cancer.

Many people think the breast is an object that sits on the chest. According to Happeh Theory, each breast is majority connected to the entire same side of the body. The implication of that claim is that if one of the breasts was constricted, then the same side of the body should also show signs of being constricted.

The reason that information is important to an individual with breast cancer, is that it also implies that Breast Cancer is not just an ailment of the breast. If a breast develops breast cancer, and the breast is connected to the entire same side of the body, then the condition of the entire same side of the body should show some signs of being affected by the appearance of Breast Cancer.

This view of how the body works would mean that instead of just treating the breasts for the physical constriction that Happeh Theory claims contributes to or causes Breast Cancer, the entire same side of the body would also need to be treated to remove any constriction that it was experiencing.

This series of blog entries is devoted to proving the claim that the breasts are majority connected to the same side of the body.

The goal of this series is to convince the reader that there is a connection between each breast and the same side of the body. Once the reader has been convinced of that connection, their native intelligence should help them see how necessary treatment of the body along with treatment of the breast is in cases of Breast Cancer or other breast health ailments.

Here is the example picture.

The first thing to do is to verify that one of the breasts is constricted. The woman’s right breast looks like it is constricted compared to the left breast. The left breast looks fat and full while the right breast looks small and wasted away.

The upper area of the left breast looks wide and thick, while the upper area of the right breast looks flat or maybe even slightly sunken in.

The bottom of the left breast is larger because it hangs down lower than the bottom of the right breast.

Each of the previous pictures verified that the right breast is constricted compared to the left breast.

It was previously claimed that each breast is majority connected to the same side of the body, and that any change in the breast should be accompanied by similar changes to the same side of the body.

Since the woman’s right breast is the constricted breast, the right side of her body should also show signs of constriction. The right side of the woman’s body does show signs of constriction as will be demonstrated next.

The distance from the inside of the right breast to the outside of the right shoulder is smaller than the distance from the inside of the left breast to the outside of the left shoulder, indicating the width of the right side of the body is constricted compared to the width of the left side of the body.

The torso looks tilted to the left compared to the centerline of the neck. That is because the shrunken right side of the torso cannot hold itself where it belongs, so the stronger left side pulls the right side over towards the left.

The woman’s right hand is higher than her left hand. The difference in height is due to the constriction of the right side of the body.

The woman’s head is tilted far over to her right. The head tilts to the right because the constricted right side of the body cannot hold the head up straight.

Each of the previous pictures showed different parts of the right side of the body, the same side of the body as the constricted right breast, as being constricted or shrunken in some way.

Those pictures support the claim by Happeh Theory that each breast is majority connected to the same side of the body. Those pictures also support the claim that it is just as, or even more important, to provide therapy to the same side of the body as the breast with a breast ailment, as it is to provide therapy directly to the breast itself.


The curious individual is probably wondering why the woman’s body is constricted or shrunken in the exact pattern that it is. One way to describe why the woman’s body has changed in the way that it has, is to use The Wheel View of the Human Body.

The Wheel View of the Human Body is one of the theoretical models of the human body created for Happeh Theory. According to The Wheel View of the Human Body, the human body behaves as if their are four wheels within it, located as shown in the next picture.

According to Happeh Theory the areas of the body covered by each wheel behave as if they are connected. If a part of the body inside the boundaries of one of the wheels changes, all of the body within the boundaries of the specific wheel should change in a similar way.

The changes to the example woman’s body all look as if they were caused by the wheel covering the upper right side of her body expanding in size as shown in this picture.

The woman’s head looks like it is laying on the large wheel.

The right arm and raised right hand are completely within the boundaries of the wheel.

And the boundary of the larger wheel almost exactly follows the boundary of the constricted area of the right breast.

Each of the previous pictures highlighted how the woman’s body looks like it has been deformed around a large wheel shape. How can that be if there is no physical wheel present in the picture pushing her body to deform around it?

Because the body is being affected by one of the invisible wheels of The Wheel View of the Human Body.

What the information about The Wheel View of the Human Body means, is that any woman who has some kind of breast ailment, in addition to examining the entire same side of the body as the ailing breast is located on for any changes, would want to especially look for a pattern of changes that followed a wheel shaped pattern as shown in the example.

Discovery of a wheel shaped pattern of changes near the breast would indicate that a certain cause was responsible for the changes to the breast and body. That certain cause would require certain therapies.

Therapies that do not act directly on the breast at all.

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