The Spiral View Of The Human Body Definition Video

A uniform diameter three dimensional spiral,


and a changing diameter three dimensional spiral,


can influence the human body in still other ways not yet mentioned.

If a uniform diameter three dimensional spiral is made solid,


the resulting shape is a cylinder.


That means that anyplace in the human body where there is a cylindrical shape, is a place that is influenced by a spiral.

If a changing diameter three dimensional spiral is made solid,


the resulting shape is a cone.


That means anyplace in the human body where a cone shape is found, is a place that is influenced by a spiral.

If the ends of a changing diameter three dimensional spiral are colored black,


they look like the mouth of a hole,


with the rest of the spiral looking like the actual hole.


If the end of a uniform diameter spiral is colored black,


it also looks like the mouth of a hole,


with the rest of the spiral looking like the actual hole.


According to The Spiral View of the Human Body, any place on the human body where a natural hole is located, such as the nostrils,


the ears,


or the mouth,


is a place that is influenced by a spiral.

The knowledge that spirals influence the construction and behavior of the human body, is not unique to Happeh Theory. Asian cultures have known for hundreds of years that spirals influence the construction and behavior of the human body.

According to Happeh Theory, Asian cultures have incorporated that knowledge into every aspect of their culture. One area that Asian cultures have incorporated that knowledge into, is in the area of hand to hand combat systems.

Asian cultures are known, for the wide variety of hand to hand combat systems they have developed, which they call kung fu. Investigation will reveal that many of these kung fu systems, are filled with references to the importance of spirals, and descriptions of how a spiral influences the movements of that kung fu system.

The references to spirals in those hundreds of years old kung fu systems, support the claims of The Spiral View of the Human Body, that the construction and behavior of the human body is influenced by spirals.

An individual who requires more proof, that spirals influence the construction and behavior of the human body, can acquire that proof by practicing any of the kung fu styles that include references to spirals.

After some number of years, the practice of those kung fu styles will change the body of the individual in such a way, that they will be able to feel the spiral nature of the body for themselves.


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