According to The Spiral View of the Human Body, two dimensional spirals also influence the construction and behavior of the human body. This picture shows an example of a two dimensional spiral.
It may not be immediately obvious, how a two dimensional spiral could influence the construction or behavior of the human body. The key to understanding how a two dimensional spiral can influence the human body, is to look at the gaps between the lines of a two dimensional spiral.
The gaps between the lines of the spirals have a certain volume,
that can hold a certain amount of material.
( Animation in video for this section that cannot be transferred to web format ) If the lines of the spiral are compressed towards the center of the spiral,
the gaps between the lines would shrink.
The volume of the gaps would also shrink,
which would force some of the material out of the gaps.
If the lines of the smaller spiral are moved back to their previous location,
the volume in the gaps would become larger.
Because there is not enough material in the now larger gaps to completely fill them up,
empty spaces would be created in the gaps,
that would pull material in from the outside of the spiral to fill up the now larger gaps.
If the lines of a two dimensional spiral, were continuously pressed in towards and pulled away from the center of the spiral,
the movement of material in and out of the gaps of the spiral,
caused by the changing gap size,
is like the action of a fluid moving in and out of a pump.
According to The Spiral View of the Human Body, a two dimensional spiral can influence the human body by acting as a pump to pump fluids around the human body.