Booby Monster – Energy Analysis 022

Here is the example picture for this blog entry.

The energy of the human body can be treated in a variety of ways. The energy of the human body can be treated as an exact duplicate of the physical body, it can be treated as an ellipse or sphere that completely encloses the physical body, it can be treated as an amorphous cloud that hovers about the body, or it can be treated as a sphere in the center of the body.

The energy of the human body will be treated as a sphere in the center of the body for this blog entry.

The next picture shows a circle in the center of the example woman’s body which represents the sphere of energy in the center of her body

The energy of the human body can move partially or completely off of the human body. One of the properties of the energy of the human body, is that if it moves off of the physical body, it will frequently be found at the brightest spot in the picture.

The brightest spot in the picture is the large circular spot to the woman’s left.

That bright spot should be and is where the woman’s energy is located, according to Happeh Theory. The sphere of energy in the center of the woman’s body can be visualized as having moved from up the center of the body

to the location of the bright spot.

What clues in the picture indicate the woman’s energy is at the same location as the bright spot? According to Happeh Theory, it is the fact that the woman’s physical body seems to be curled around the bright spot that corroborates the claim that the woman’s energy is at the same location as the bright spot.

The woman is not standing up straight. Why not? There is no outside force making her body stand in some position other than straight up. What force or cause is making the woman stand the way she is, looking s if she is curled around the bright spot in the picture?

Her physical body is deformed around the bright spot because her energy is located on the bright spot. Instead of standing up straight as a human being does when their energy is in the center of their body where it is designed to be, the physical body must deform in some way if the center of the bodies energy moves.

The physical body will deform in two common ways when the energy of the body moves away from the center of the physical body. The physical body will either look as if it is focused on the location where the center of energy has moved, or the physical body will look as if it is moving away from where the center of energy has moved.

In this picture the woman’s body is moving away from where her center of energy has moved. The woman’s energy is claimed to have moved up to her left to the bright spot.

The following observations about the woman’s body confirm that her physical body has moved away from where her energy has moved.

The lower part of the woman’s head is tilted away from the sphere representing the energy of the body, as if the invisible sphere of energy pushed the lower part of the physical head to the right.

The top of the woman’s head is tilted towards the energy sphere. It almost looks like the woman is resting her head on the invisible energy sphere.

The woman’s shoulders are tilted from high on her right to low on her left. The left shoulder almost looks like it was pushed down by the invisible sphere of energy, or it is sinking under the weight of the energy sphere.

The woman’s left breast also looks like it has moved slightly lower, as if it too was sinking under the weight of the sphere of energy.

The woman’s entire body is leaning to her right, as if the sphere of energy was pushing her physical body to the right.

The woman has her right hand braced on the side of her body as if she is trying to hold her body up against the pressure of the sphere of energy pushing her to her right.

Every single one of the previously listed observations about the woman’s body, make is seem like the woman’s body is being affected by the bright spot of light in the picture. But that is impossible. Light cannot make a human body move.

So if it is not the light that seems to be affecting the woman’s body, what else could it be? According to Happeh Theory, it is the energy of the woman’s body, which has moved to the same location as the bright spot of light.


An intuitive way of understanding why the woman’s body looks the way it does because of her energy moving to the bright spot to her left, can be gained from looking at the picture turned sideways.

The picture shows the bright spot/location of the woman’s energy above the woman’s physical body. With the picture oriented like this, the woman’s body looks like it has deformed along a circular path beneath the heavy circular energy sphere.

The next picture shows the energy sphere under the woman’s body.

In this orientation, the woman’s body looks like the weight of the woman’s body has caused her body to droop along a circular path around the circular energy sphere under it, like a person’s body will deform if they lay on a pillow or a cushion.

There is nothing in the original example picture,

that explains why the the woman’s body is holding the exact posture that it is. Claiming the woman’s posture is because of a mental desire to stand that way does not explain the exact movements of her body.

The only explanation that makes sense of the exact posture of the woman’s body in this picture, is the explanation provided by this blog entry. The woman’s physical body is deforming itself along a circular path around the circular sphere of her energy, which has moved up to her left to the same location as the bright spot of light in the picture.

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