Black In The Face – Example 12

“Black In The Face” is a term used to describe the energy distribution visible in the face of a human being. The ideal human face should have an even distribution of energy across it’s entire surface. An even distribution of energy across the face would be associated with both good health and a balanced body.

Very generally, there are two causes that will produce the darkening of the face that is called “Black In The Face”. Any type of permanent or temporary health problem will cause a darkening of the face, and both temporary or permanent tightening of the head and body will cause a darkening of the face. The part of the face that becomes dark is directly related to the health problem affecting the individual, or directly related to the part of the head and body that has become tight.

The example for this blog entry is shown below.

The line in the next picture follows the boundary between the well lighted left side of the face and “Left Side Black In The Face”.

This particular example is a confusing one. According to the previous examples and what is written in the intro for each of these examples, if the man has “Left Side Black In The Face” the left side of his body should be shrunken. The left side of the man’s face is shrunken, but it is actually the right side of his body that is shrunken.

That conclusion is supported by the gap between the right arm and the body,

which is present due to shrinkage of the torso in the area between the line on the arm in the next picture and the arrows pointing at the line.

In contrast, the left arm is held close to the body,

and the left chest seems large and full.

The shrinkage of the right side of the body is matched by what seems to be an unexpected shrinkage of the left side of the face instead of the right side of the face. Observations confirming the left side of the face is shrunken include the fact the right ear looks larger and sticks out from the head more, 

while the left ear is smaller and pulled in tighter to the head.

The right nostril is not visible,

but because the shrinkage of the left side of the head has pulled up and back on the left nostril,

the left nostril is visible.

The same factors are responsible for the look of the mouth. The mouth has a particular sized dark gap at the right side,

while the left side of the mouth that is being pulled up and back by the shrinking left side of the head,

has a larger sized dark gap on the left side of the mouth.

This example picture also provides an example of one of the major changes that Masturbation can cause in a human body. The man has a severe case of what Happeh Theory has christened “Gumby Head”. Gumby is a cartoon character from the 1950’s whose identifying characteristic was the fact his head slanted from low on the right to high on the left.

The example man’s head has an clearly visible slant from high on the right to down on the left,

which is what would be expected if the left side of the head is the shrunken and contracted part of the head.

So why is it that this example body has a shrunken right side of the body and left side of the head, instead of a shrunken right side of the body and shrunken right side of the head as expected? Firstly, the right side of the head has been shrunken by some amount. That shrinkage though, is overshadowed by the severe shrinkage of the left side of the head. The man’s posture is also not natural which makes the right side of the head look better than it actually is and the left side slightly worse than it actually is.

The reason why the left side of the head is more severely shrunken than the right side of the head, is that the pattern of shrinkage on the right side of the body extends up around the back of the head as indicated by the dotted lines in the next picture,

then wraps around the left side of the face approximately within the area that has been outlined.


    1. Yes his hair is cut at a slanted angle that gives the impression that angle is an artifact created by the hair. If his hair was cut though so his bare head could be seen, it would show some amount of slant.

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