Black In The Face – Example 08

“Black In The Face” is a term used to describe the energy distribution visible in the face of a human being. The ideal human face should have an even distribution of energy across it’s entire surface. An even distribution of energy across the face would be associated with both good health and a balanced body.

Very generally, there are two causes that will produce the darkening of the face that is called “Black In The Face”. Any type of permanent or temporary health problem will cause a darkening of the face, and both temporary or permanent tightening of the head and body will cause a darkening of the face. The part of the face that becomes dark is directly related to the health problem affecting the individual, or directly related to the part of the head and body that has become tight.

The example picture for this blog entry is shown below.

The line in the next picture approximately follows the boundary between the normal and contracted areas of the man’s face.

This picture is sort of tricky, because while the right side of the man’s face is dark,

leading to the “obvious” conclusion he has “Right Side Black In The Face”, it is actually the left side of his face that is contracted.

This is a very severe case of “Left Side Black In The Face”, whether or not the lighting is actually making the left side of the face dark or not.

What observation leads to the conclusion that this is a severe case of “Black In The Face”? The condition of the man’s left eye. The left eye is so dark it almost looks like a cave.

The next picture has a curved line approximately following the boundary between the shrunken left side and the more normal right side of the face. The line travels right through the center of the left eye.

Please take some time to look at the photo and form an impression of it.

 Doesn’t the man’s face look “normal” even with that line going through the left eye? The rest of his face appears unchanged, even though it seems like he has no left eye. It is as if the man mentally feels he really does only have one eye, his right eye, and he doesn’t even notice his left eye seems completely dark and missing.

The mechanism behind that phenomenon involves the energy of the human body. Normal areas of the body will emit energy that other human beings can sense. Unhealthy areas of the body, or contracted areas of the body will not emit as much energy, which makes sense if you consider “contraction” is the act of making something smaller which limits the movement of anything through whatever is being contracted.

The reason the man’s head looks normal with the line going through the left eye,

is that the line is blocking off the part of the face that is not emitting energy. All the viewer sees are healthy energy emitting areas of the face, so they get the impression the man is healthy and normal, even though their eyes are telling them the man’s left eye is so dark it looks like a cave.

The cause of this particular case of “Black In The Face” can be narrowed down to Masturbation and/or Excessive Exercise. Because the man is in the military he must be involved in Excessive Exercise, and it is common for military men to have nothing to do when they are off duty, so masturbation would be a reasonable activity to expect them to engage in to pass the time.

It is not a coincidence the left side of the man’s head is contracted,

and he is holding a gun in his left hand.

Holding the gun requires contracting the left side of his body, which would contract the left side of the head also.

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