A common way to accuse a person of not telling the truth is to say, “that person speaks with a forked tongue”. Why is that? What does a forked tongue have to do with telling lies? Is the saying just a colorful way of describing a person who does not tell the truth, with no motivation behind the saying?
No. According to the author of this blog, all human folk sayings are “true”. The difficulty is in comprehending exactly what it is the folk saying is talking about.
Historical records claim the American Indians accused the settler of speaking with a forked tongue. Was saying “they speak with a forked tongue” a language construct whose purpose was to soften the tone of the accusation “they are liars”? There are many instances of languages that do employ just such softening language when describing anything that might cause discomfort to someone.
According to the author of this blog, the American Indians were describing reality when they said the settlers “spoke with forked tongues”. They were not employing a euphemism. They were describing what they actually saw.
How can that be? Human beings do not have forked tongues. How could the American Indians see a human being speaking with a forked tongue if such a creature does not exist?
Such a creature does exist, but only if you have the ability to see it. Human beings have what is commonly referred to as an energy body. The energy body can be treated as an exact duplicate of the physical body that is centered and aligned on the physical body. If the energy body moves way from being centered and aligned on the physical body, then the tongue of the energy body and the tongue of the physical body would no longer be aligned. Someone who can see the energy body of a human being, like the American Indians, would see a human being with two tongues sticking out of their mouth. A physical tongue visible to everyone, and an energy body tongue visible only to those who can see the energy body of a human being. .
The picture below shows a woman who is speaking with a forked tongue.
The reader should be thinking “I only see one tongue. That woman does not have a forked tongue”.
Please notice how the woman’s tongue is over on the left side of her mouth.
That is the characteristic look of a human being speaking with a forked tongue. The physical tongue will be found far to one side of the mouth or the other. The reason for that is that the physical tongue is moving to one side of the mouth so the tongue of the energy body has room to extend out of the other side of the mouth.
Here is a picture of a dog with a large tongue sticking out of the right side of it’s mouth..
The next picture compares the dog to the woman.
Doesn’t the mouth of the dog look like the mouth of the woman? The tongue is sticking out of the side of the mouth of both animals,
with a hole on the other side of the mouth.
The next picture inserts the dog tongue into the hole in the right side of the mouth of the woman? The woman now has a forked tongue.
That picture is the inspiration behind the phrase “Speaking with a forked tongue”. Human beings who can see energy literally see two tongues sticking out of the mouths of liars. They see two human shaped tongues and not a dog tongue and a human tongue of course.
The reason why having a forked tongue makes a human being a facile liar is that they can say one thing with their physical tongueand something else with the tongue of their energy body.