(2) – Example of homosexuality associated changes to the face
Homosexuality is associated with a characteristic type of distortion to the natural shape of the face. Please inspect the following example close up image of the face of a homosexual man.
When the homosexual man smiles, he mouth does not lift up evenly. The right side of the man’s mouth is lifted upwards,
while the rest of his mouth slopes down to the left.
That change to the mouth of a homosexual, one side open relatively wide with the other side mostly closed, is so common among homosexuals that it has been given the name “Cigar Mouth Syndrome” by Happeh Theory, because the mouth of a cigar smoker is open on one side more than the other side to hold the cigar in the mouth.
The arrows in the next picture highlight how one side of the mouth of a cigar smoker and one side of the mouth of the homosexual man both are wider than the other side of the mouth.
Then a picture with arrows highlighting how the wider open one side of the mouth makes the mouth of both the cigar smoker and the homosexual man slant from high on one side to low on the other side.
The shrinkage of the right side of the homosexual man’s body that caused the right side of his mouth to move upwards has shrunken the right eye so it looks smaller than the left eye.
Verification of the claim the right side of the face has shrunken comes from the smaller distance exhibited between the right eye and right side of the mouth,
According to Happeh Theory, Excessive Masturbation causes the development of homosexual feelings. The example man’s face looks more like a masturbation changed face than a homosexuality changed face.
The point is that the man in this picture probably decided he was gay because after excessively masturbating for some type and feeling masturbation caused homosexual desires, he decided he must be homosexual.
If the man had not masturbated excessively, he would probably be heterosexual.
Of course their minds would be different if they were not homosexual, they would be masturbating about the opposite sex. Masturbation is a healthy part of a sexual experience especially in adolescence. It is the only true safe sex. There is nothing wrong with homosexuals. There is nothing wrong with heterosexuals (hetero from greek meaning
“different.”). There is nothing wrong with hermaphrodites either. There is nothing wrong with transvestites or transsexuals or transgenders. What is wrong is ignorant people going around and saying that because others are not like them then they must be less than human
There is “one” basic design for a human body. In scientific and engineering parlance, any deviation from that design is a “flaw”.
Science and Engineering do not work on the “majority rules” principle. That is politics you are thinking of.
On the other hand, there is always the possibility that homosexuals are human beings who have nothing wrong with them at all. It is just that they are simply a bit different than so called heterosexuals due to genetics,what happens to them while inside the womb, and then the effects of nurture during the first five years of life outside of the womb. However, the fact is that there is no “black” or “white” in life, and everyone ends up somewhere on the continum of sexuality from that of being Exclusively heterosexual to Exclusively homosexual. So where does that place your “Theory of Happiness?”
“On the other hand, there is always the possibility that homosexuals are human beings who have nothing wrong with them at all.”
No. That is not possible. Homosexuals are without a doubt physically different from Heterosexuals in ways that can be verified amongst any ethnic group on the planet.
“It is just that they are simply a bit different than so called heterosexuals due to genetics,what happens to them while inside the womb, and then the effects of nurture during the first five years of life outside of the womb.”
While it is likely that there will be some genetic connections to homosexuality will be or have been discovered, it is my opinion that talk of genetics is an excuse. An individual can say “It is all genetics, there is nothing I can do about it”, then sit back and relax. They do not have to seriously consider that their situation might have a cause that they did have an influence on, or that they could change their situation if they were to expend the necessary effort.
There is no need for homosexual individuals to change anything about themselves. They are fine just the way they are! Why don’t we just leave them alone, and quit talking about what is wrong with them, and how they should perhaps be changed. Perhaps the ones that need change are the homophobes…… the ones with the “Biblical Beam” in their “Own Eye!”
Maybe we should leave all the people with AIDS alone?
Or maybe we should leave all the people with Whooping Cough alone?
Or maybe we should leave all the people with Cancer alone?
Why would a caring, empathetic individual stand by as another ignorant human being suffered from being less than they could be?
If that human being is not ignorant, if they are fully cognizant that they are choosing a life that makes them less than they could be, then of course you are right that their decision should be respected and they should be left alone.
I am not convinced homosexuals know what kind of physical condition they are in. They are told by authority that homosexuality is wonderful and nothing is wrong with it. They are propagandized to believe things that are not true for political reasons.
I think those people should be given the truth so they can make a more informed decision about the life they wish to lead.
But just for the sake of it:
How do you explain that apparently blindness is not at al a very particularly problem among gay men? There are no scientific prove of it and me – and I do know very many gays in fact – do not know a single one blind? According to you ideas, this is sort of unormal, no? Lets say I know a hundre gay men – then should not at least one of them be blind?
The blindness caused by Masturbation is not necessarily total blindness, which is why the statistics you give as an example may be true.
Masturbation will cause one eye to go blind more than the other. That is the origination of the phrase “One Eye Blind”. So a study of homosexuals might find they could see well enough to function in daily life or to pass a vision test, but compared to a human being with two normally functioning eyes, the homosexuals are “blind”.
For you and anyone else reading this material, please keep in mind this is scientific material. “Blindness” is being used with a strict definition such as “Any degradation of the visual acuity”.
I feel that you and the other people who write asking the exact same thing feel that the word “blindness” only applies to an eye that has lost 100% of it’s visual ability. You and the others might be able to get a feel for what I mean by masturbation caused “blindness”, by wearing an eye patch that covers half of one eye.
The experiment will be most realistic if the eye patch covers either the upper part of the eye or the outer part of the eye because those are the parts of the eye that masturbation affects first and most strongly.
You will still be able to use the eye and see out of the half that is uncovered. But you will find out very quickly that you miss things that you do not miss when your eye is uncovered. You will feel like you are partially “blind”.
This page is crazy. Big fun though. So thanks, but still have to say, I mean, come oon – could¨t you find any slightly better pictures? The nazis did a whole lot better when come to finding pictures that undermined their silly, silly theories? I am sure you can do a better. Keep up the good work!
I have hundreds of supporting images. The reason this section looks small is that most of the images similarly support the contention that masturbation is associated with the same bodily changes as homosexuality, and to make it easier on myself I have only uploaded the material to the masturbation section.
At some point when I have time and a clear idea of how this section should be organized, I will duplicate all of the masturbation supporting material over here to the homosexuality section.
Wow. Just … wow. This obsessive line of thought is as benighted and malignant as the old pseudo-science of phrenology or the ethnic eugenics of the 1930’s that lead directly to the holocaust. You even contradict yourself in these numerous pages — the gentleman up there is looking right (obviously looking at something, btw) and exposing the right side of his head. On a later page in this ongoing tripe/hatefest, you say that homosexuals chronically expose the left sides or their heads. “Hundreds of supporting images” is not surprising — neither is it evidence. What images “support” your fatuous theory is 1) entirely subjective and determined by you, and 2) why would you ever gather any other type of images? You aren’t looking for empirical evidence. You are on a witch hunt. You need fodder for your pet hobby horse.
To put it in your own terms… I suspect that your… uh… blowhole is dangerously in contact with your butthole.
(1) – “Wow. Just … wow. This obsessive line of thought is as benighted and malignant as the old pseudo-science of phrenology or the ethnic eugenics of the 1930′s that lead directly to the holocaust.”
Professional word manipulator huh? You equated my opinion on this subject and the subject of Phrenology, which is also discussed on this website, with eugenics and purported genocide. 😉
(2) – “You even contradict yourself in these numerous pages — the gentleman up there is looking right (obviously looking at something, btw) and exposing the right side of his head. On a later page in this ongoing tripe/hatefest, you say that homosexuals chronically expose the left sides or their heads.”
As with anything scientific their are overriding trends and exceptions. One of the strongest factors affecting how the body of a homosexual will behave is which hand they use for masturbation. If the right hand is used, the head will tend to behave one way. If the left hand is used, the head will tend to behave in the exact same way, except in the opposite direction.
Since most people are right handed, the majority of homosexuals will display head changes associated with right handed masturbation. The fact some homosexuals do not have those same head changes does not mean the claims of this website are wrong. It means those different looking homosexuals are masturbating with their left hand, or they masturbate with either hand in some specific way that is affecting exactly how the head reacts.
(3) – “What images “support” your fatuous theory is 1) entirely subjective and determined by you”
That is not true. Anyone with the intelligence and the patience to examine thousands of photographs of homosexuals will discover the exact things described on this website.
(4) – “why would you ever gather any other type of images?”
I think this comment pretty much sums up your intellectual ability and the value your opinions should be given. Science is about examining everything. No science minded person would ever question the value of examining anything for insight into human life or the world around us.
To answer your question, I noticed something odd and began to pursue. The same progression of events I imagine every scientist throughout the history of science has followed.
I think you would benefit from trying to accept the reality that most of what the world tells you is lies designed to make you stupid and easy to control. The way to make a human being stupid and easy to control is to make them physically and mentally weak.
Encouraging human beings to do something they naturally want to do, masturbate or engage in homosexual behavior, is a low effort, low cost way to make those human beings physically and mentally twisted and weak.
The only effort and cost involved is paying a media spokesman to repeat “masturbation and homosexuality are good and should be practiced all of the time”.
( Anyone reading the above must keep in mind that occasional homosexual behavior or occasional masturbation is not going to be too detrimental. The comments above refer to people who engage in excessive or constant masturbation or homosexual acts. )
You sure do have some very very strong opinions.
After reading some of this site, its nice to see that that majority of comments disagree with you which is reassuring for humanity.
I only hope any impressionable young people reading your site don’t take any notice of the misguided associative stream of nonsense your are so committed to, and can take some comfort knowing opinions such as these are becoming rarer and rarer.
Btw, for someone so against homosexuality and masturbation, you must spend a large amount of time studying in great detail what are clearly porn images of naked men having a wank.
Time to accept it mate, there are things in life you really cant fight, (like people living happy fulfilled lives with who ever they choose)
One thing to be considered is the difference between right hand and left hand masturbation leading to homo/bisexuality. It is a given fact that the left hand side of the brain controls the the right side of the body and the right hand side of the brain controls the left hand side of the body. Also it is given that the right and the left side of the brain is responsible for different attributes in a particular gender. If a person is masturbating with the right hand more frequently, it is possible that the instructions came from the left side of the brain which preserves the logical and other aspects. Like wise left hand masturbation would be directed by the right hemishpere of the brain which deals with emotions life love, empathy etc. Both of these would depreciate certain aspects of the brain and let certain aspects dominate depending on the side being shrunk. Left hemishpere would be protectitive of itself and instead motivate the person to masturbate(destroy) the right side of the body( including the shrinkage of the right hemisphere if the brain) and vice versa. This generally leads to the right hand masturbator being a submissive homosexual and the left hand masturbator being the dominant in a homosexual activity. Another aspect that triggers the sexuality is what is being observed while we acheive sexual pleasures. In case of masturbation. If an indivisual looks at his/her genitals while orgasming, it would, over the period of time, assosiate their pleasure with the visuals of same sex genitals. And gradually would be turned on by their own gender that possesses the genitals that they have become acoustomed to while seeking sexual pleasure. This is a psycological factor that can be understood via simple examples. Eg : if we assosiate a certain emotion in a growing child towards a certain activity it would be embedded in the childs brain for a long period of time , like,if we encourage a child on one of its stupid behaviours while its growing, the child will immediately perceive it to be something good and develope it as a habbit because it would get the child the needed attention and the pleasures of being a pleaser. There are other factors that need to be addressed like the evolutionary primate the person is assosiated to. If a person resembles a chimpanzee more (evolving from chimps) it will have the aggressive traits and will seek dominance. Infact both males and females of such an origin will be aggressive and interested in physical harm since it was a patriarchial society where women were beaten up for infidelity and disobeying. If a person seems to have evolved from bonobos, it will be interested in sex but would not be interested in earning it and both the genders in this case eill exhibit feminie wit and cleverness since it was a society dominated by the females and where sex is the resolve to all conflicts.
Although people have been mating regardless of all this so no clear signs of a particular primate would be evident entirely in a single person.
The post was interesting up to the point about chimpanzees and bonobos.
I don’t know if I could agree with those statements at all.