Comparison of Dinosaur/Alien skull and a Human Skull

According to Happeh Theory, human beings evolved from dinosaurs. Or aliens.

The basis of that claim is the skull in the picture below.

This section is devoted to comparisons between the skull above and the skulls of modern human beings. All of the comparisons will show an undeniable similarity between the skull above and modern human beings.

On this page are comparisons between the skull above and living human beings.

Below is a comparison between the skull above and a human skull.

The faces of both skulls look similar. Although the skull on the left has a bigger jaw and teeth, and the face itself is taller than the face of the skull on the right, the front of both skulls is generally similar. The real difference between the two skulls is at the rear.

The first significant observation about the back of the two skulls is the angle at which they are pointed. Both skulls are pointed upwards at the same general angle.

The second obvious difference between the two skulls is the length of the back of the skull. This can be attributed to the process of evolution. The process of evolution caused the head to shrink from the long size on the left to the shorter size on the right. The skull on the right can be made to look like the skull on the left very easily by adding on the extra length to the rear of the skull.

This stuff still either frightens me, or stuns me. I cannot decide which word fits. The two skulls look almost exactly the same don’t they? But the one on the left is a dinosaur or an alien, and one on the right is a human skull.

The skull on the right was modified by making a copy of the top of the skull, then stamping it on the picture a little to the rear of it’s original position. This process was done a few times until the skull on the right was the same length as the skull on the left.

To make it completely clear, the picture below shows the first copy of the rear of the head copied back onto the human skull to the rear of it’s original position.

The next picture shows another copy of the back of the head placed onto the skull on the right.

Then the skull on the right was smoothed out by removing some of the white color and filling in lower boundary of the skull.

The process also works the opposite way. The dinosaur skull can be made to look like the human skull be removing the extra length in the center of the rear of the skull.

First the extra length is removed as shown below.

Then the rear of the head is removed in preparation for reattaching it to the front of the skull.

Then the rear of the skull is copied to the newly shortened skull.

Although the two skulls do not look exactly the same, the resemblance is close enough that it can be explained away as being caused by the process of evolution.

Whatever the creature with the skull on the left was, it’s descendents eventually evloved into human beings with a skull like the one on the right, according to Happeh Theory.

I firmly believe that the reader’s own common sense and the evidence of the reader’s own two eyes will cause them to reach the same conclusion..


  1. I believe these skulls are from an alien people that came to earth around 38,000 years ago. The following is about research that is very relevant to the many theories.

    “Howard Hughes Medical Institute researchers, who have analyzed sequence variations in two genes that regulate brain size in human populations, have found evidence that the human brain is still evolving.

    They speculate that if the human species continues to survive, the human brain may continue to evolve, driven by the pressures of natural selection. Their data suggest that major variants in these genes arose at roughly the same times as the origin of culture in human populations as well as the advent of agriculture and written language.

    The research team, which was led by Bruce T. Lahn, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator at the University of Chicago, published its findings in two articles in the September 9, 2005 issue of the journal Science.

    Their analyses focused on detecting sequence changes in two genes—Microcephalin and “abnormal spindle-like microcephaly associated” (ASPM)—across different human populations. In humans, mutations in either of these genes can render the gene nonfunctional and cause microcephaly—a clinical syndrome in which the brain develops to a much smaller size than normal.”

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