The Daily Insight – 6-24-09 – Comparison Of Relatively Strong Yin And Relatively Weak Yin

The picture above shows Korean children performing a dance.

Please take a few minutes to observe the photo. Form initial impressions about the picture as a whole, various children in a group, or individual children. Categorize any thoughts or impressions you have about the photo.

The children in this picture display varying degrees of Yin development. That is not an earthshaking statement because any group of human beings will invariably include individuals at different stages of the development of the Yin part of their body.

There is one child in the picture that demonstrates what strong Yin development in a young human being looks like. That was one of the reasons for asking the reader to form initial impressions about the picture. It will be informative to compare your own initial impressions with what is said next.

Figuring out who has strong Yin is like detective work. You only have to be logical and think about your observations to help you discard who is most likely not the child with strong Yin.

Adult human beings the world over are all the same. An adult who was asked to put children on display for a photo, would most likely put the best children in the front where they were clearly visible, with the lesser children in the back.

That is what has been done with this photo. All of the children behind the front line of children, can be discarded as possibilities for the child with strong Yin, because the adults in charge of the children have put the children with the strongest Yin in the front so they will make the best impression.

All of the children in the back row are children who show relatively less Yin development than the children in the front row. A reader who is interested in this material would want to examine and categorize anything they can about the children in the back row, and then put those observations down as possible indicators of weak Yin development in a child.

Now that the choice of which child has the strongest Yin has been narrowed down to the front row of children, more detective work is required.

The boy who is second from the left side of the picture, looks to be the focus of the picture. It would be reasonable to think that the boy who is second from the left has the strongest Yin development, because the adult behind the camera who probably understands Yin Yang Theory, has focused the camera on him.

While the boy who is second from the left does have strong Yin, he is not the child with the strongest Yin.

The boy who is second from the left would probably have the third strongest Yin of the four children in the front row. What is it about the boy that pushes him back to the third strongest Yin of the four children?

The head of the boy tilts off to his left at a relatively extreme angle.

The extreme angle of the head indicates part of boy’s body is not fully or completely developed as it should be.

The boy at the far right has the weakest Yin of the four children in the front row.

There are two relatively obvious clues as to why the boy on the far right has the weakest Yin development. His legs are bony looking and his right arm is held low.

The other boy’s legs are fatter in comparison, and although it cannot be seen, his arm is held up higher.

That leaves the two girls in the front row as the candidates for having the strongest Yin. That should not be a surprise. Girls are Yin and Boys are Yang. The girls should have stronger Yin than the boys, unless the girls are weak or sick, or the boys have very strong Yin development.

As with the second boy from the left, it would be reasonable to choose the girl on the left as having the strongest Yin because she is closest to the camera. The reasoning would be that the child with the strongest Yin would be closest to the camera.

The look of the girl’s head supports that choice. In yesterdays blog a picture was shown of an African boy. The African boy had a large forehead, and it was stated that the African boy’s large forehead was a sign of strong Yin development.

The Korean girl on the right also has a large and strong forehead.

The reader who is interested in this material, will want to note that the Korean girl’s forehead is not as large as the African boy’s forehead.

While it is true that the girl on the right has strong Yin, according to Happeh Theory, it is the girl who is third from the left that has the strongest Yin.

The interested reader will want to examine and compare the body of the girl who is third from the left, to the bodies of the other children to determine what characteristics about her body, indicate she has the strongest Yin.

To force the interested reader to train themselves on how to observe and think about what they see, a listing is not going to be made of the characteristics that indicate the girl third from the left has the strongest Yin.

Two clues will be offered. A person with strong Yin will frequently seem to be in the background of things, as the girl third from the left seems to be in the background compared to the boy and girl that are on her right. A person with strong Yin can also appear like they are somewhere else. If you examine the face of the girl who is third from the left, she looks like she is staring off into the distance as if she is mentally somewhere else.

The following information is for those with an interest in politics, psychology, and sociology.

In relation to the picture of the African boy

According to Happeh Theory, the introduction of AIDS to Africa, and the constant war and famine that have been part of Africa for 50 years, are a ruthless attempt to kill Africans because of the strong Yin development they have, evidenced by the size of the forehead of the young boy. The strong Yin development of Africans and their descendents is also the reason for the racism and repression encountered by these people in all white dominated countries of the west.

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