The Daily Insight – 10-13-08 – Understanding Science Can Be Useful To A Kung Fu Man Part 02

Knowledge of Science can be useful to a Kung Fu man. Part 02

The first article in this series made the claim that knowledge of science could be useful to a kung fu man. The science of Physics, Engineering, and Trigonometry, were emphasized as areas of study, that would give the most benefit to a kung fu man.


The first article provided some simple definitions of the science of Physics, Engineering, and Trigonometry. The remainder of the first article was devoted to discussion of the word “force” as it is used in Physics. Physics defines a force as “anything that can cause a mass to accelerate”.

The first article stated that one of the characteristics of a force, was that a force could cause a change in pressure in a three dimensional object. A finger pressing into the palm of the hand was presented as an example of a force.

The pressure felt by the hand when the finger presses on it, is due to a force exerted by the finger on the hand.

Another characteristic of a force is that they are invisible. In order to work with these invisible forces, there must be some visible way to represent them. Physics uses what is called a “vector” to represent invisible forces. A vector is an arrow with some number indicating the magnitude or size of the force, and some other numbers indicating the direction of the force.

The subject of this second article on how knowledge of science can be useful to a kung fu man, will begin with the next picture.

A vector arrow has been superimposed on the finger, to represent the invisible force being applied by the finger to the hand.

What happens if the hand is moved away from the finger as demonstrated next?

The invisible force represented by the vector arrow on the finger, was being applied to the palm of the hand. The application of the invisible force to the palm of the hand, caused the palm of the hand to experience sensations of pressure. To cause sensations of pressure in the palm of the hand, the invisible force would have had to cross over from the finger into the palm.

The next picture shows the finger and the hand separated by some distance. A vector arrow beginning at the tip of the finger and pointing at the palm of the hand has been drawn in the picture.

This picture is demonstrating how the invisible force in the finger, would have to cross over from the finger to the palm of the hand, in order to cause the hand to experience sensations of pressure.

The hand is then removed from the picture. All that remains is the finger and the vector arrow sticking out of the end of the finger.

Please take a moment to consider this picture. The vector arrow in the picture above, represents an invisible force projecting out from the end of the finger of a living human being. Although the force projecting out from the end of the finger is invisible to the naked eye, according to the science of physics, there is an invisible force projecting out from the tip of the finger.

What would be the implications of the picture above? One implication will be described next.

If an invisible force extends out from the end of the finger of a living human body, why wouldn’t invisible forces project out from all of the other surfaces of a living human body?

According to this author, the entire surface of the human body does project invisible forces outwards. According to this author, the human body constantly generates invisible forces, that are a product of the processes that keep a human body alive. Some of those constantly generated and constantly changing invisible forces, are projected outwards from every surface of the human body.

The next picture shows a human body.

If there are invisible forces projecting outward from the entire surface of the human body, as claimed by the author of this article, then those invisible forces can be described by the vector arrows used in the science of physics. The next picture shows the human body surrounded by vector arrows, which represent the invisible forces that project outwards from every surface of the body.

It might be hard to believe that there are invisible forces projecting outwards from a living human body. It is easy to prove this claim to yourself. Take your finger and press any part of your body. Your finger stops doesn’t it? Why?

Most people would say their finger stopped because the skin of their body stopped it. From a scientific point of view though, the skin of the human body, or any other part of the body, can be treated as if it does not exist. From a scientific point of view, your finger stops moving into your body because the invisible force being applied by your finger, has been neutralized by an exactly equal and opposite invisible force from within your body.

The previous example pictures can be used to help visualize this interaction of invisible forces. The next picture shows the human body with vector arrows projecting outwards from every surface of the body, and the finger with a vector arrow projecting out from the tip of the finger.

The vector arrow projecting out from the finger, is pointing directly at one of the vector arrows projecting out from the human body. If the finger above was being pressed into the body, the finger would stop moving into the body, when the invisible force represented by the small vector arrow leaving the body, is exactly equal but opposite, to the invisible force represented by the large vector arrow leaving the finger.

The picture of the human body surrounded by vector arrows will now be presented again, to help discuss another implication of the fact that, according to the science of physics, invisible forces project out from every surface of the human body.

What happens if the human body is removed from this picture, as demonstrated next?

The vector arrows that remain in the picture, form an outline of the human body that they originated from. According to this author, that picture represents what some people mean when they talk about “human energy”, or “the energy body of a human being”.

Some people claim that an invisible energy field surrounds the human body, and that this invisible energy can interact with the invisible energy of another human body.

The human shaped vector arrow outline, provides a connection between science reality, and the claims of people who say that the human body has energy.

According to the science of physics, there really is an invisible something surrounding the human body, a field of invisible forces that can be completely described by the science of physics, that could be the invisible energy surrounding the human body, that people who believe in human energy, claim is there.

According to the science of physics, the invisible forces that surround a living human body can move from one living human body to another, where they will cause some change in the invisible forces surrounding the other living human body, just like the energy that some people believe that human beings have, is claimed to travel from one living human body to another, and cause some change in the energy of the other human body.

The main points of this second article in the series on how knowledge of science can be useful to a kung fu man, will now be summed up.

The physical human body can be treated as if it does not exist. The entire physical human body can be replaced by a representation of the invisible forces associated with that body.

Some people claim that human beings have energy, or an energy body. These people claim that human energy is invisible, that it can travel across a distance, and that it can cause a change in the energy of another human body.

According to the science of physics, there is a field of invisible forces that constantly project out from every surface of the human body. These invisible forces can travel across a distance, and cause a change in the invisible forces associated with another human body.

It is the position of this author, that the invisible forces associated with a living human body, which can be visually represented by a field of vector arrows defined by the science of physics, is what some people mean when they refer to “human energy”, or “the energy body of a human being”.

This article has provided another example, of how knowledge of science can be useful to a kung fu man. This article has shown how knowledge of science, can help a kung fu man understand what people might mean, when they talk about “human energy” or “the energy body of a human being”.

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