A previous blog entry stated the picture below demonstrated a pose or posture that is known as “The Sign Of The Small Penis” in Happeh Theory nomenclature.
The previous blog entry went on to say that the gesture was an involuntary one that was made by human beings whose body had been most likely changed by masturbation, but could have also been changed by other actions or activities.
To support the claim that the pose of the man above was due to permanent structural changes in his body, another picture of the same man but in a different pose was provided. That picture is shown next.
His head is rotated to the left,
it is jutting forwards,
the top of the head is rotating down to the right,
and his head is rotating up to the left.
The similarity between the two pictures that is the basis for the claim these pictures prove his body has permanent structural changes, is the fact that in both pictures his head is leaning down to his right.
There is no apparent reason for the man’s head to tilt down to the right in either picture. There is something about the man’s body that makes it feel more comfortable or “want to” tilt down to the right. According to Happeh Theory, the man’s head has a tendency to tilt down to his right because he masturbates with his right hand. When he masturbates with his right hand, that action will pull his head down to the right. Because masturbation has such a strong effect on the body, the man will unconsciously tend to tilt his head down to the right all of the time.
If the posture of the man really is due to permanent structural changes caused by Right Hand Masturbation as is claimed, then there should be many other human beings who look and behave in a similar way. That is because most men masturbate with their right hand, and since all human bodies are the same, Right Hand Masturbation should affect all of them the same way.
Specifically, any man who masturbates should exhibit a tendency to make The Sign of the Small Penis with his right hand, their body should exhibit a tendency to tilt down towards the masturbating right hand, and their head should have a tendency to rotate away from the masturbating right hand, towards the left side of their body.
Please examine the man in the following picture.
Although the index and thumb of the man in the new picture are held apart,
and the index and thumb of the original man are held together,
the similar location of each hand up by the head, and the mostly similar look of both hands, is enough to state “Both men are making The Sign Of The Small Penis”.
The head of the man in the new example human being is rotated to his left,
like the head of the original man is rotated to the left.
And finally, the head of the man in the new example picture is tilted down to the right,
as is the head of the original man.
The two men look almost identical.
Since most men masturbate with their right hand, the similarity in appearance of the two men is corroboration that Right Hand Masturbation will gradually change the body of the individual until at some point in time, they will begin exhibiting a tendency to make “The Sign Of The Small Penis” while leaning their bodies down towards the masturbating hand, rotating their heads to the left, and tilting their heads down to the right.
Some readers will feel that since no proof has been provided that either of these men does indeed masturbate with their right hand, it cannot be claimed that their similar body looks are due to Right Hand Masturbation. The response of the author to that assertion is that it is enough that the reader note the almost exact same appearance of both men.
If the reader chooses to reject Right Hand Masturbation as the cause for the similar body look, they are going to have to come up with some reason why both men look similar, because even a reader who doubts the similar look of both men is due to masturbation, cannot doubt that it is impossible for it to be a coincidence that both men look the same. There must be some underlying cause that is making both men hold their bodies in the same way.