The Daily Insight 09-02-08 – Human Beings Have Energy Part 02

This is the second post in a series on the energy of the human body. The interactions between people on a reality television show are the basis of  the posts. This simple post makes a series of statements about the awareness of the energy of the human body exhibited by each individual in the example situation, and how strong the energy of individual is.


The first post in this series showed pictures of a man and two women. Statements were made about the shape of the head of each person, and the hairstyle of each person.

The man was said to have a round head

with a hairstyle that perched on top of his head,

leaving his face completely open.

A blonde haired women was said to have short hair because it reflected her shrunken head.

It was also noted that the blonde woman tended to look out of one eye.

A black haired woman was said to have a head that was shrunken on the left side. It was noted that the black haired woman’s hair was cut so that it covered up the left eye.


It was stated that since the woman did not seem to mind that the hair was in her eye, that corroborated the claim the left eye had impaired vision. The reasoning was that if her left eye was OK, she would be bothered by the hair hanging in front of it.

Now. It was stated material would be provided that proved human beings have energy. The people in the video clip have been described and their haircuts have been described.  As in the first post, I would like the reader to accept what is said as true, whether or not you agree with it or not.

Here is the picture of the man again

For the purposes of this discussion, it will be agreed that the man knows that human beings have energy, the man has strong energy, the man can see and feel the energy in other human beings, the man knows how to manipulate his energy, and he knows how to manipulate the energy of other human beings.

Whether you agree or disagree with those statements, please accept them as true for the remainder of the discussion.

The curious might like to know what it is about the man that reveals he knows about human energy. The man’s body is heavy and thick looking. Those physical characteristics are frequently associated with a strong Yin part of the body and people who know about energy. His haircut and the shape of his head that were pointed out previously are another clue.

A large, round, open, fat, moon kind of face, is frequently associated with strong development of the Yin part of the body, and people who know about energy. The Buddha would be a famous example of a person with a fat face who was supposed to have strong Yin and strong energy.

It is also relevant to note that the man is hispanic I believe. According to Happeh Theory, most people in the world, curiously enough people who have a deep skin color, have strong development of the Yin part of the body and know about human energy.

Here is the picture of the Blonde haired woman again.

For this discussion, it will be agreed that the blond haired woman does not know about human energy, she cannot sense, see, or feel human energy, she cannot control her energy, and she cannot control the energy of another human being.

What are the observations about the blond haired woman that lead to those conclusions?

The woman has a thin body which can be a sign of weak development of the Yin part of the body and weak energy. The woman has a smallish head with a distorted shape which is a sign of a weak Yin part of the body in the majority of cases. The fact that the blond haired woman tends to look out of one eye also indicates that she has a weak Yin part of the body and weak energy.

The blond haired woman is white. A large majority of the white population of the world, appear to not understand about the Yin part of the body, and they do not appear to have any knowledge of the energy of human beings.

Finally there is the black haired woman.

It will be agreed that the black haired woman also does not know about human energy, she has relatively weak energy compared to the man, but stronger energy than the blond woman, she does not sense, see or feel the energy of another human being, she does not know how to control her energy, nor does she know how to control the energy of another human being.

What are the observations of the black haired woman that lead to the above statements?

The most obvious clue is the haircut of the woman. The black haired woman’s hair is cut so it covers her left eye. A human being with a good eye will be annoyed if something is in their eye. The black haired woman is not annoyed with her hair being in her eye, so the vision in that eye must be impaired. The impaired vision exhibited by the woman is one of the signs of a person with a distorted Yin part of the body.

The black haired woman is stronger than the blond haired woman, because the black haired woman’s body is more filled out than the blond haired woman’s body. The filled out body is a sign of relatively strong development of the Yin part of her body. More than the blond haired woman’s Yin part of the body is developed.

The black haired woman is also white, which would tend to corroborate the claim that she has a relatively weak Yin part of the body, and no knowledge of the energy of human beings.

Please focus on the following points that were made, as they form the basis of the continuation of this material in other blog entries.

(1) – The man has strong energy, he knows about human energy, and he can manipulate human energy.

(2) – The blond haired woman has weak energy, she does not know about energy.

(3) – The black haired woman has weaker energy than the man, but stronger than the blond haired woman, and she does not know about human energy.

Common sense tells us that (A) if the man has strong energy and knows how to manipulate energy, and if both women have weak energy and do not know how to manipulate energy, that (C) the man’s stronger energy will be able to influence or control the weaker energy, and therefore the physical actions and possibly the thinking, of both of the woman.

Because the woman do not know how to manipulate energy, they cannot defend themselves from being energy manipulated by the man.

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