The Daily Insight – 9-1-08 – Human Beings Have Energy Part 01

The material for this blog entry was originally posted at a public forums. A discussion was taking place that involved the question “do human beings have energy?”. The position of Happeh Theory is “Yes. Human beings do have energy”. The information found in this blog entry was part of the material provided to support that contention.

The material turned out to be quite voluminous. Three different posts were required to contain it all. This blog entry is the first post in the series. It talks about the relevant details of the three people involved in the demonstration.


The demonstration is going to use the video showing the guy who disagreed with the expert from a few pages back. The first thing to do is to make some statements about the actors in the video. What I would like from you all, is simple yes or no disagreement about what follows. Please restrain yourself from making any other comments so that this conversation can be clear and easy to follow.

There are three people in the video. The first person to be dealt with is the man in the video. Here is a picture of the man.

The man’s head is relatively round.

Do you understand the word relatively? Relatively means “compared to”. Please do not argue about how round the head is or point out places it is not round. I am aware of them. This man’s head is round relative to the other actors in the video.

The man’s hair is cut so that it frames his face. His entire face is visible, and his hair looks like it is perched on top of his face.

OK. According to Happeh Theory, there is the human head that is shown in the picture above, and what can be called the energy head, or the Yin head. The energy or Yin head should be the same as the physical head, but it does not have to be. The energy or Yin head can change in any possible way. When it does, it will force a similar change on the physical head.

The man’s energy or Yin head is relatively normal. It mostly matches his physical head. Please remember the word relative. The man’s energy or Yin head is relatively normal compared to the other actors in the video.

According to Happeh Theory, skilled hairdressers cut the hair to match the energy or Yin part of the head, not the physical part of the head. The haircut does match the physical part of the head, because as stated above, the energy or Yin part of the head coerces the physical part of the head into changing to match the energy or Yin part of the head.

The next actor is the woman who is working with the man for the video. She is the host of the TV show and has taken the man to meet a woman friend of hers. The picture below shows the host of the TV show.

The woman’s hair is cut relatively short for a woman.

According to the statements above, a good hairdresser cuts the hair to match the energy or Yin part of the body, the woman’s hair has been cut to match the energy or Yin part of her head. What is the short haircut saying about the energy or Yin part of the woman’s head? The haircut is saying that the energy or Yin part of the woman’s head has shrunk to approximately the area enclosed by the hair.

The thinking people among you might wonder. The man’s hair is short, but it was stated that he is relatively healthy. The woman’s hair is short, but it is being claimed that the energy or Yin part of her head is shrunken.

Because this is simple material, not much will be said to describe what the difference is. An observation about the woman that supports the claim that the energy or Yin part of her head is shrunken, is the fact that the woman frequently looks out of one side of her head.

I would like you to keep in mind for this woman, that I am claiming the energy or Yin part of her head is shrunken, and that she frequently tends to look out of one eye.

The third actor in the video is the expert that the woman has taken the man to see. She looks as shown in the picture below.

This woman’s hair has been cut so that it covers her left eye.

It has been stated that skilled hairdressers cut the hair to match the energy or Yin part of the body. That would mean that the energy or Yin part of the head of this woman, has shrunken on the left side of her head.

This woman also tends to look out of one eye. Of course because her hair covers the other eye.

What are the main points you want to keep in mind for the rest of the discussion?

(1) – The man’s head is relatively round and his energy or Yin head mostly matches his physical head.

(2) – The energy or Yin part of the blond woman’s head is claimed to be shrunken. Her physical head looks smallish, which makes it agree with the previous statement that the energy or Yin part of the head influences the physical part of the head. The blond haired woman tends to look out of one of her eyes.

(3) – The black haired woman’s energy or Yin body is claimed to be shrunken on the left side of head. It is claimed that the hairdresser cut the woman’s hair to match the energy or Yin part of her head. The fact that the woman does not object to having one of her eyes covered over, supports the claim that the vision in that eye is not good. The black haired woman also tends to look out of one eye.


The following related posts in this series are predicated on the reader remembering…

(1) – The man’s head is relatively round, and the energy or Yin part of his head mostly matches his physical head.

(2) – The woman both have distorted energy or Yin heads, with hair cuts that match the distorted energy or Yin heads.

(3) – The distortion in the physical head of the blond woman can be seen, because her hair is short.

(4) – The physical distortion of the head of the black haired woman is difficult to see, because she has long and full hair that covers the head.

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