Scientists are Stoopid. Really Stoopid. So Stoopid in fact that they constantly prescribe drugs for people that actually cause health problems instead of providing relief from health problems.
The study that this story is based on has revealed that taking Ibuprofen in the recommended doses cause male fertility problems. Which means all those men who are prescribed Ibuprofen for pain and a myriad other health problems, are actually being prescribed a drug which is going to lower their fertility or make them completely infertile. The stoopid scientists haven’t decided which yet. They need more time to study the situation.
Never trust a scientist or a doctor. They are stoopid. They do whatever idiotic thing a drug salesman or some book tells them they should do. They have no personal knowledge of what effects the drugs they prescribe have. So when can never know if the drug they give you for pain relief is going to end up killing your testicles and turning you into a eunuch or a woman or not.