Category: Scientists R Stoopid With Commentary

Scientists Claim Women Yawn In Response To Others Yawning More Than Men Because Women Are More Empathic

The news story that this particular blog post is based on reports that scientists claim women are more susceptible to “contagious yawning” than men because women are more empathic.

Thing about that statement for a moment. What does “more empathic” mean? Nobody really knows, do they? There is a dictionary definition for empathy of course, which is “the feeling that you understand and share another person’s experiences and emotions”. Think about that definition for a moment, then ask yourself, why would understanding or sharing another human being’s experiences and emotions make you yawn if they were yawning?

Asymmetry Of The Human Body And It’s Effects On Health

The video linked below is located on YouTube. Asymmetry of the human body and it’s effects on health video A webpage duplicate of the video follows for those who prefer reading, as well as for more leisurely study. ———————————————————- This is the second video in the series titled Scientists R Stoopid Scientists R Stoopid. Scientists […]

Pigeon Toes and Duck Feet

The video linked below is located at YouTube. Pigeon Toes and Duck Feet Video A webpage duplicate of the video is provided next for those who prefer to leave, and for more leisurely study. ———————————————————– This video is number one of the series: Scientists R Stoopid According to Happeh Theory, the majority of modern scientists […]