Explanation Of Energy Sucking From A Cartoon

According to Happeh Theory, there is an energy associated with the human body. That energy is invisible, it can travel across a distance, and it can affect other living things. Some people might refer to the energy of the human body in terms like “soul” or “spirit”.

Human beings can “suck”, “drain”, or transfer energy from other human beings. Energy sucking is a negative act, but it can be justified in some cases.

In various discussion on different areas of this website, energy sucking is described as being the work of what are commonly called either “Vampires” or “Succubi”. Most people are familiar with Vampires.

Vampires are commonly described as sucking the blood of their victims. According to Happeh Theory, Vampires are real human beings who suck the energy out of other human beings. At the time the actions of Vampires were being described, there were no modern technological concepts like “energy”. So the people of those times used a word that meant “something precious and necessary to the body that could be taken away by force”.

Blood was what the people of those time would equate with “being precious and necessary for life that could be taken away”. If a human being was injured, other people could see the blood leak out of the body and watch the corresponding weakening of the actions of the wounded individual. Those actions mimic exactly how a human being having their energy sucked will act. The victim will become weak and lethargic in the same way they would if their actual blood was leaking out of them.

Succubi are similar “legendary” creatures said to suck the life energy out of human beings. The difference between Vampires and Succubi is that Succubi are female only, while Vampires are usually male, but could be male or female. Another characteristic of Succubi is that they are said to suck the energy out of men while they are sleeping. According to Happeh Theory, this was a warning to men that women had the ability to suck the energy out of them, and Succubi type women will do this when the man is sleeping.

As stated previously, energy sucking can be justified in some ways. A human being who is feeling unwell or weak, will tend to unconsciously suck the energy out of the people around them. The unhealthy human being is not sucking energy with an evil intent. They are ill and their weak body is trying to repair itself. A case could be made that some members of a group might willingly allow themselves to be energy sucked by an ill group member, to aid the recovery of that group member.

It is important to keep in mind though, that this type of energy sucking is still energy sucking, which will make the individual being energy sucked weaker than they were before.

Happeh Theory is not the only source in the world or history that claims some human beings suck the energy out of other human beings. Both of the cultures where the Vampire and Succubi legends originated of course knew the exact same things about human energy, and energy sucking human being,s that the creator of Happeh Theory does.

This blog entry uses a short video clip from a Japanese Anime cartoon to illustrate and discuss “energy sucking. The storyline illustrates in a way even children can understand how energy sucking works. The Japanese Anime video clip shows some characters discussing a race of creatures the Anime calls “Bounts”. “Bounts” suck the souls of living human beings for food.

The imaginary “Bounts”, who suck human souls for food, behave the same way as Vampires sucking blood from their victims, or Succubi sucking the energy out of sleeping men.

It is then mentioned that by sucking the souls of other human beings, the Bounts become immortal and live forever. While they may not become literally immortal, human beings who suck the energy out of other human beings will remain young looking far into their old age, because of the therapeutic effects of the life energy they suck.

The cartoon also compares the Bount to Vampires because the behavior of the two creatures are so similar.

The Anime states the Bount usually would suck the soul of human in the process of what they call “soul burial”, which would be when the human died.

That claim according to Happeh Theory is a warning. When a human being dies their soul leaves their body. If one of these energy sucking human beings is in the vicinity of the dying human being, the energy sucking human being can interfere with the soul release process in a negative way by trying to get at the dying soul.

The cartoon character states she saw a Bount sucking the life out of a living human being though.

The point being more verification, in addition to Vampires and Succubi, of creatures or types of human beings who suck the energy out of other human beings.

This blog entry is not trying to claim the Japanese children’s cartoon proves the existence of human energy or energy sucking human beings.

One point being made is that many human cultures geographically distant from each other, have all developed stories about human beings who suck the energy out of other human beings. That cannot be a coincidence. The independent development of those stories of creatures with differing names but the same behavior, in those geographically separated cultures, must be descriptions of actual events the people of those cultures experienced.

The other purpose of this blog entry is to provide an initial familiarity with the idea of human energy and energy sucking to people who have never heard of, given any thought to, or perhaps outright disbelieve in, the existence of the energy of the human body. Reading through this blog entry and watching the following complete video clip of the relevant scene from the Japanese Anime, will provide the curious but ignorant individual, with accurate information about the energy of the human body.

Energy Sucking Discussion with Japanese Language Audio and English Subtitles

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