Ancient Egyptian Statue Shows Ancient Egyptians Were Aware Of Yin Yang Principles

Yin Yang theory is a theory of the universe and everything in it. Yin Yang theory is claimed to have been created thousands of years ago in Asia.

Since a human being is something in the universe, Yin Yang Theory can be applied to the human body to explain how it is constructed and how it behaves. Because all human beings are the same all over the world, the principles of Yin Yang Theory apply to all human beings.

No other culture on the planet has created anything similar to Yin Yang Theory with the same depth of detail and abundance of material available to explain what the theory means. Yet the physical and mental creations of human cultures all over the world from every period of history indicates that a large number of these cultures, were all fully aware of the characteristics of the construction and behavior of the human body that can be described by Yin Yang Theory.

Knowledge of the construction and behavior of the human body according to Yin Yang Theory is not something that is just useful to scholars. The principles of Yin Yang Theory can be used by any human being to change their bodies in many different ways. Those changes can be identified by the experienced eye.

According to the creator of this blog, the creations of the ancient Egyptians demonstrate they fully understood the construction and behavior of the human body as described by Yin Yang Theory.

This blog entry is about an Egyptian statue from a period of Egyptian history called the “Old Kingdom”, that portrays a man and a woman standing next to each other.

The look of the bodies of the male and female is the result of their bodies having been changed in ways that can be described by Yin Yang Theory.

The official explanation for the picture is reprinted next.

“Funerary statue of a man and a woman. The woman’s gestures are in keeping with the canonical expression for loving devotion. She has her right hand laid on the man’s back and her left resting on his left arm. The man is wearing the round curled wig and a short, smooth kilt. The woman has a shoulder-length striated wig and the usual long, close-fitting dress. “

The interesting part of the explanation is the sentence “The woman’s gestures are in keeping with the canonical expression for loving devotion” . According to this author, that statement is scientific jargon meant to cover up the fact scientists don’t have any idea why the woman is gesturing the way she is.

What does that sentence mean in simple words? The definition of the word “canonical” is “the usual or standard state or manner of something”. So the sentence could be rewritten as “The woman’s gestures are in keeping with the usual or standard way loving people hold each other”.

So that scientific explanation for the woman’s gestures is basically saying she is gesturing as she is “just because”. There is no concrete information or explanation for why the woman is gesturing the way she is.

The statement “The woman’s gestures are in keeping with the canonical expression for loving devotion” could be rewritten as “We have no idea why the woman is gesturing as she does”.

There is a concrete reason for the look of the bodies of both the man and the woman in the Egyptian statue. Their bodies have been changed in accordance with the principles of Yin Yang Theory. Those changes affect both the physical construction and behavior of their body, as well as having an effect on the behavior of the energy of their bodies.

Changes related to the action of Yin Yang principles on the bodies of the male and female ancient Egyptians, include the positioning of the man’s right leg to the rear of his body,

and the positioning of his left leg is to the front of his right leg and his body.

Many people react to observations such as the ones just described by saying, “So what? That is just the way the man stands”. Why does the man stand that way though? He does not have to stand that way. He could stand with his left leg back and his right leg forward. Or he could stand with his legs together like the woman is.

There is no “just because” or mental reason for physical movements of a human body. While physical movements of a human body might be initiated or desired mentally, the actual way they are carried out are completely determined by the physical state of that human body.

The man’s arms are mismatched in the same way his legs are. His right arm is further back than his left arm.

The woman’s arms look completely different from the man’s arms. The woman’s right arm is stretched outwards horizontally so it can reach to the other side of the man’s body. Because the woman’s right arm is reaching behind the man’s body, all that can be seen of it are the right shoulder and the right hand on the right side of the man’s torso.

The woman’s lower left arm is raised up and reaches across her body to place the left hand on the man’s left arm in a way that makes the woman’s left forearm horizontal.

The physical change that can be described by Yin Yang Theory that determines the positioning of the man’s body, is a shrinkage of the entire right side of the man’s body. The part of his body most severely affected by the shrinkage is the middle of the right side of the torso where the woman has placed her hand.

The shrinkage of the right side of the man’s body brings the top of the right side of his body down to about the level shown in the next picture.

According to Yin Yang Theory, the human body has what is commonly described as “energy” associated with it. The Asian word for that energy is “Chi”. According to the creator of this blog, the Asian word “Chi” as applied to the human body is equivalent to the word “Force” as it is defined by the science of physics.

The human body can be visualized as a container holding energy, which can be visualized as water. Any break in the container, the human body, would allow water, the energy of the human body, to leak out of it.

That weakest point on the right side of the man’s body will tend to leak his energy. That fact explains why the woman’s has placed her hand at that location.

Either knowledgeably or instinctively the woman knows that point on the right side of the man’s body is the weakest point on his body, and she is placing her hand at the location to physically and energetically brace the area to inhibit the leakage of the man’s energy.

The woman’s body is also shrunken in a particular way. The main signs of that are the look of the right side of her torso in the area highlighted by the arrow,

And the look of her right shoulder joint where the arm is reaching behind the man’s body.

All of the highlighted physical characteristics of the man and woman contribute to the appearance of their joint posture. The man stands the way he does because of shrinkage of the right side of his body, and the woman stands the way she does because of shrinkage of the right side of her body.

The posture of the man and woman together are also influenced by their energy. According to Happeh Theory, human beings have what is commonly referred to as “energy”. Human beings have the ability to link their energies or be influenced by each others energies.

According to Happeh Theory, all voluntary human groups consists of individuals whose energies are linked. The individuals are a group because their energy is linked. The act of “forming a relationship” involves forming an energy link according to Happeh Theory.

It is reasonable to assume the man and woman in the statue are a couple. That would mean their energy should be linked according to the previous statements. That energy linkage will affect the physical actions of both the man and the woman when they are in close proximity.

The act of forming an energy link will change the independently acting human beings making up the group into dependent human beings whose actions are influenced and related to each other. A very simple example of that statement would be two people linked together energetically. If one of the pair turns left, the other human being will usually have a strong urge to turn left also because they feel the urge to turn left through the energy linkage to the other person.

That phenomenon is what is taking place in the statue. The man’s strong energy constricts or tightens the woman’s physical body. The tightening of her physical body affects her body in such a way that her arms naturally want to raise upwards. That is why one of her arms has moved upwards to wrap around the man’s body while the other arm raised upwards to cross over the woman’s body at waist level.

The reason one arm is reaching around the man’s body at a high vertical level while the other arm reaches across the woman’s body at a low vertical level, has to do with the way all human bodies are constructed. Very simply, the arms are connected to each other and behave as one piece. In order for one arm to become longer the other arm has to become shorter.

The horizontal part of the following cross picture is approximately the same length on either side of the vertical piece.

That cross will represent a human body. The horizontal piece would be the arms.

The only way that one side of the horizontal part of the cross, or one of the arms of a human being, can get longer is if the opposite side gets shorter.

The energy interaction of the man and woman can also be described in more conceptual terms. The energy of the human body does not have to be treated as what the science of Physics call’s a force, which is how the previous discussion treated the word “energy”. The changes to the physical appearance of the man and woman are due to “energy” defined as what the science of Physics calls a “force”.

When human body energy is treated as electromagnetic energy, it can be visualized as behaving like water. Water spreads outwards and penetrates other things. According to Happeh Theory, the energy of the man and woman have penetrated and merged with each other’s bodies.

Please note the corroded area of the statue highlighted in the next picture.

According to Happeh Theory, the pattern of corrosion almost exactly follows the pattern of merged energy between the man and the woman. The yellow circle highlights the part of the woman’s body merging with the man’s body.

The red arrows emphasize the location of the woman’s hand at the man’s side. That was done to draw attention to how the shape of the merged energy area seems to point to the part of the man’s body where the woman has her hand.

Why are the energies of the man and woman merged in the way they are?

According to Happeh Theory, human beings are designed so the energies of a male and a female naturally merge or fit together. The pattern of energy merging defined by the yellow circle could be compared to plugging an electrical appliance into a wall socket.

A wall socket is designed with two or three holes arranged in a specific spatial relationship. An electric plug is designed with two or three prongs having the same spatial relationship to each other as the holes of the wall socket.

An electric plug merges with a wall socket in one specific way because that is how the two parts were designed.

The energy of male and female human bodies are designed so their energy merges in a similar corresponding way.


  1. Not a wig on their heads. The hair is kinky and curly like that of the Negroid people. Now the people who wore wigs that imitated this look was the Caucasians government officials in the early 18th century. Although this is not the point of this post, we must learn TRUE history. And understand who the Egyptian people of today truly are.

  2. Is the man pulling or anchoring something. Seems to me the “force” is building maybe a kingdom or life. Good read I like the concept.

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