Pyramid Shaped Body Parts 07 – Kneeling Bikini Girl

According to The Pyramid View Of The Human Body, the human body behaves as if there is a pyramid within it located approximately as shown in this picture.


Corroborating evidence for that claim comes from the fact that pyramid shapes can be found all over a human body in any imaginable pose that body may be holding.

This series of blog entries is dedicated to providing examples of the pyramid shapes that can be found all over the human body.

The example picture for this blog entry shows a woman sitting on her lower legs.


That posture creates pyramids everywhere on her body.

The upper arms form pyramids with the breasts,


and the entire length of the arms form pyramids with the breasts.


The entire length of the arms also form a pyramid with the waist.


A pyramid is formed by her shoulders and the center of her chest,


and by her hips and the enter of her chest.


A pyramid is also formed by her hips and her groin.


The hips also form a pyramid with the top of the head,


as do the breasts and the top of the head,


both arms and the top of the head,


and the knees and the top of the head.


The knees also form a pyramid with the tailbone.



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