Why Is A Six Pointed Star Important To Human Beings? – The Secrets Of Life 43

The video linked below is located on YouTube.

The Six Pointed Star

A webpage duplicate of the video is also provided for those who prefer to read, and for more leisurely study.


This video is titled “The Secret Of The Six Pointed Star”.

A study of human beings and human cultures, will reveal that one of the characteristics of human beings and human cultures, is that they create physical objects, patterns of thoughts, and belief systems, that are based on their view of the world and the things in it.

The study would also find that most of the physical creations, patterns of thoughts, and belief systems created by human beings and human cultures, eventually fade away, as the world view of the human beings or human cultures change.

Some of the creations though, are retained by successive generations of human beings, because they still have some importance or relevance, to those successive generations of human beings. There are physical creations, patterns of thoughts, and belief systems that were originally created hundreds of years ago, that can still be found in human cultures of today.

It seems reasonable to believe that any physical creation, pattern of thought, or belief system, that persisted through hundreds of years and successive generations of human beings, would have to be especially important or significant, to justify keeping those creations in their unaltered forms, from the time of their creation, through the following generations of human beings and into modern times.

If some creation of human beings was so important, that it was retained through hundreds of years and successive generations of human beings, it seems reasonable to believe that a modern human being, like the viewer of this video, would benefit from understanding what it was about the creation, that was so important or significant.

An example of a physical creation that has been retained by human cultures, from the time of it’s original invention hundreds of years ago, until the present day, is the six pointed star. Here is a picture of an example six pointed star.

What is it about the six pointed star that is so important, so useful, or so relevant to human beings or human culture, that the six pointed star would remain a part of human cultures, from the time it was invented hundreds of years ago, up until the modern day?

The answer according to Happeh Theory, is that a six pointed star is a representation of a human body. The six pointed star was first invented, then remained important to successive generations of human beings, because the six pointed star represents one reality of what a human being is.

A human being would commonly be defined as a creature with a torso,

two arms,

two legs,

and a head.

According to Happeh Theory, a human being is also much more.

According to Happeh Theory, it is possible for a human being to evolve from what might be termed a simple or basic human being, into what could be called a higher level or evolved human being. As a human being evolves to higher levels, they will discover that a human being is much more, than just a physical creature, with two arms, two legs, and a head.

According to Happeh Theory, the six pointed star is a representation, of one of these higher level realities of what a human being is. When a higher level human being looks at another human being, in addition to seeing the physical body with arms, legs, and a head, the higher level human being will have an impression, of the other human being as a six pointed star.

Since by definition, a lower level or un evolved human being, is unable to see the higher level reality, of the six pointed star nature of another human being, is there any kind of evidence available, that a low level human being would be able to see, that would support the claim, that a human being presents the impression of a six pointed star, to a higher level human being?

The answer to that question is yes. Evidence to support the claim of the six pointed star reality of a human being, can be provided with the help of The Pyramid View of the Human Body.

According to the Pyramid View of the Human Body, the human body can be treated as a large pyramid, located as shown in this picture.

The large theoretical pyramid shown in this picture, is an extension of the smaller natural pyramid formed by the shoulders,

and the peak of the head.

This comparison picture between a six pointed star

and The Pyramid View of the Human Body

reveals some similarities between the two objects.

The three corners of the pyramid representing the human body,

resemble three of the points of the six pointed star.

The three corners of the pyramid from The Pyramid View of the Human Body,

provide a partial connection between a real human body,

and the six pointed star symbol.

There are sill three points of the star though,

that apparently do not correspond to anything on the human body.

The observant person examining this comparison picture of the six pointed star,

and The Pyramid View of the Human Body,

would notice that a pyramid contains triangular faces,

and the six pointed star is created from two triangles.

This picture shows how a six pointed star,

is composed of a right side up triangle,

and an upside down triangle.

The triangular face of The Pyramid View of the Human Body,

matches the right side up triangle from the six pointed star.

If the six pointed star is really a representation of the human body, as claimed by Happeh Theory, then there should be something on the human body, that will match the upside down triangle of the six pointed star.

Here is a picture of a model human body,

for the viewer to examine to see if they can find anything, that would correspond to the upside down triangle,

from the six pointed star.

An upside down triangle can be created,

by using the shoulders as the base of the triangle,

and the groin as the peak of the triangle.

The lines of the triangle,

follow the natural triangular shape created by the the shoulders and the sides of the torso.

This picture shows the upside down triangle superimposed on The Pyramid View of the Human Body.

Then the outline of the pyramid is highlighted.

The two highlighted triangles form a distorted six pointed star. The six points of the star are highlighted in this picture.

This picture allows a comparison between the six pointed star,

and the image created by superimposing a triangle connecting the shoulders and the groin,

on The Pyramid View of the Human Body.

Even though the two triangles on the human body form a distorted six pointed star,

it is a six pointed star.

All that needs to be done, to make the triangles on the human body look exactly like the six pointed star,

is to adjust the size of the triangles as shown in this picture.

According to Happeh Theory, this picture demonstrates why the six pointed star was important,

to the human beings who originally invented it, and why the symbol retained it’s importance through hundreds of years, and successive generations of human beings.

The six pointed star was originally invented, because it represents one of the realities of what a human being is. The six pointed star retained it’s importance through hundreds of years, and successive generations of human beings, because the human body has never changed, from the time of the invention of the six pointed star, up to modern times.

According to Happeh Theory, The six pointed star represents one of the realities of any human body, from any time period of history, including any human body of the present day.


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