Here is a picture of a human body.
The human body has what is commonly referred to as “energy” associated with it. The energy of the human body can be treated in many different ways. One way to treat the energy of the body is as a sphere located in the stomach.
In a healthy human body like the one the picture is representing, the sphere of energy in the belly is centered on the middle of the body.
For discussion purposes, the sphere of energy in a “normal and healthy” human being can be moved up or down the body as long as it remains centered on the middle of the body The next picture shows the sphere of energy in the head.
Then a line is superimposed on the middle of the body to verify the sphere of energy is centered on the head.
Please take a moment to examine the following picture.
The girl’s head is tilted.
It is impossible for a head energy sphere to be centered in the middle of a tilted head. The girl’s head energy sphere should be located approximately as shown next.
The girl’s head energy sphere is actually located at the upper left of her head though.
It does not take a doctor to wonder if the girl would have some kind of health or other problem if her head energy sphere has moved from the center of her head to the upper left corner of her head. It is common sense that her thinking, emotions, and physical actions must change if her head energy sphere is not centered as it is supposed to be.
The movement of the girl’s head energy sphere is responsible for the tilting of her head. As the sphere moved from the center of her head to the upper left side of her head,
it pulled the upper left side of the head upwards along with it.
Since a human head cannot extend vertically upwards, the only way the head can balance that upwards movement on the left side of the head is to allow the right side of the head to move downwards.