The reader may be surprised to learn there is no one ideal shape for the human head.
According to Happeh Theory there are a number of basic configurations of the human body. The ideal head associated with each of those body configurations will have it’s own unique appearance.
Symmetric human heads
One characteristic all of the types of ideal human head have in common is they will be approximately symmetric. The word “symmetric” means the sides of something are identical. So a symmetric human head should have identical right and left sides. The picture below shows an example of one of the types of ideal human head.
The right and left sides of the example ideal head are almost exactly symmetric. A person with a discerning eye will find slight differences between the right and left sides of the head. For the purposes of this blog, the woman’s head will be treated as an example of a symmetric ideal head.
The next picture has a line drawn on the head separating it into identical right and left halves.
Asymmetric human heads
The symmetric characteristic of ideal human heads means that any human head that was not symmetric, or “asymmetric“, would be considered non ideal. The next picture shows an example asymmetric human head.
The most obvious clue indicating asymmetry of this man’s head, or any example head for that matter, is a head and body that are not aligned. The man’s head is facing mostly towards the camera,
while his body, which is rotated to his right,
is facing to the right of the camera and the man’s head as highlighted by the arrow in the next picture.
( The angle of the photo makes it difficult to clearly highlight the direction the body is facing. Please verify the difference in direction between the body and head to your own satisfaction before reading on. )
The mismatch between the centerline of the body and the centerline of the head is evidence the head of the individual is asymmetric because of the way the human body is constructed and functions. The only way the head and body centerline can be structurally mismatched is if changes have taken place within the body somewhere. Body changes that make the head asymmetric as they alter the direction the head faces.
Those internal and external bodily changes could be explained from a physical perspective, by listing the exact changes taking place in the muscles, tendons, internal organs, bones, etc. of the affected individual’s body.
Or the bodily changes could be explained as the result of movement of the affected individual’s energy body.
Human beings have what is commonly called “an energy body”. The energy body can be treated as an exact duplicate of the physical body. The next picture shows a flesh colored physical body on the left, and an identical red colored body on the right that is meant to represent the energy body.
The energy body is designed to be centered exactly on the physical body. In the next picture the red energy body has been moved so it shares the same center as the physical body,
and the energy body has been oriented in exactly the same way as the physical body.
Because the physical and energy bodies occupy the exact same space, the two bodies combined display a checkerboard of physical body flesh color and energy body red color.
The following picture demonstrates movement of the energy body away from the physical body. The energy body has been rotated a large amount to the left of the physical body, while remaining aligned on the same center as the physical body.
Using this idea, changes to the physical body are described as the result of pulling in whatever direction the misaligned energy body has moved. If the energy body was misaligned as it is in this picture,
all that has to be said to describe the changes to the physical arms would be, “the physical arms will move towards the position of the energy body arms”.
That is much more concise than listing the changes to each and every muscle controlling the arms.
Movement of the energy body away from it’s proper orientation will cause visible and non visible changes in the physical body. One of the visible changes that takes place in the physical body is misalignment of various areas, as they react to being pulled on by a misaligned energy body. That property of the relationship between the physical and energy bodies, explains why the man in the example picture is not facing squarely into the camera.
Good photographers can see the energy body of a human being. They can also see the influence of the mismatch between the energy body and the physical body on the physical body. When a good photographer poses a client for a picture, the good photographer will adjust the body of the client so their energy body is standing where it wants to be, regardless of what effect that has on the physical body. The photographer will then adujst the physical body in the way he desires, all the while leaving the energy body in it’s desired location and orientation.
Photographers do that because when the energy body is in the position it wants to be, the physical body will be at it’s most relaxed and comfortable. A desired state for the subject of a photography shoot.
According to Happeh Theory, the man’s face is aligned on the camera and his body is not because the photographer has, knowingly or unknowingly, gone through the process just described. The photographer could tell the man’s energy body and physical body were not aligned, so he first positioned the client’s physical body where his energy body wants to be, which is facing off to the left.
The photographer then had the client rotate his head to the client’s left,
so it would face straight into the camera position the photographer had chosen for the shot.
The next picture attempts to show the current location of the client’s energy body. A duplicate of the photo of the physical body has been placed to the left of the original photo, approximately on the spot where the client’s energy body is currently located.
The above picture is NOT an exact representation of the current orientation of the man’s energy body. Because the picture is two dimensiona,l it cannot be manipulated in the XZ plane. The head of the picture representing the energy body should be rotated to the right of the man’s physical body,
instead of facing the same direction as the physical body as it does in the picture now.
to completely accurately depict the current location and orientation of the energy body.
Classifying a human head as being symmetric and ideal, or asymmetric and non ideal, is not just an academic exercise. Nor is it a judgemental activity with no goal other than to put a lable on example heads.
Classifying a human head as symmetric or asymmetric can be used for health diagnosis, sizing up an opponent for any reason, or for determining how to emotionally and intellectually interact with an individual in the way they relate to the best.
Symmetry of the head is associated with good health, a strong body, and a strong mind. Asymmetric heads are associated with health problems, bodies weakened in some unique way related to the exact way the asymmetry of the head expresses itself, and mental problems.
A medical worker would use knowledge about asymmetry of the head and it’s relationship to health problems as an immediate initial indicator of the health condition of a patient, without medical tests or patient interaction taking place.
A fighter of any type can use asymmetry of the head to judge the strengths or weaknesses of an opponent. Just the fact an opponent’s head was asymmetric indicates a type of weaknesses a knowledgeable fighter could take advantage of. Knowing what different configurations of head asymmetry indicated about the inner structure of the opponent’s body, would tell the experienced fighter where he should attack to take advantage of his opponent’s weaknesses.
An individual knowledgeable about how symmetry and asymmetry of the head affect the mentality and personality of a human being could use that knowledge in social situations to attain specific goals. A social facilitator or a hostess for instance, could use knowledge of the personality and mental quirks associated with particular types of head asymmetry, to guide their behavior so it was acceptable and comfortable to the individuals they were dealing with.
WHAT I do if my read is Asymmetric ???
You spoke about doing ,pilates ,dance any kind ???,tai chi chuan ,kung full,
Boxing don´t strenght the ying part of body??and BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU ???
any kind of person who train for 3-4 years of BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU, CRECO -ROMANA ,SUMO,GROUND FIGHT have huge head and a strong neck this is not a coincidence
??yeah ??
(1) – Any person with an asymmetric body will have to embark on a consciously guided rehabilitation program. They need to find out where their body is asymmetric. They need to understand what it is that makes their body asymmetric.They need to discover an exercise that will ameliorate the bodily asymmetry. Then they need to engage in those exercises for probably years, as they thoughtfully observe the effects of the exercises and modify them as the needs of their body changes.
(2) – In most cases I would say that boxing strengthens the Yang part of the body.
3 – Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Sumo both will develop the Yin part of the body. I am not so certain about Greco-Roman wrestling since it is an invention of western civilization.
(4) – Changing your head may or may not be something you want to do. The head will change in a certain way in response to boxing. If you were going to change the shape of your head, that might entail giving up boxing, or changing the way you box.
Do you really want to change the shape of your head so much that you will give up boxing? A serious or professional fighter might decide that he would be willing to accept some distortion of the shape of his head to reach his goals as a fighter.
(1) – Any person with an asymmetric body will have to embark on a consciously guided rehabilitation program. They need to find out where their body is asymmetric. They need to understand what it is that makes their body asymmetric.They need to discover an exercise that will ameliorate the bodily asymmetry. Then they need to engage in those exercises for probably years, as they thoughtfully observe the effects of the exercises and modify them as the needs of their body changes.
(2) – In most cases I would say that boxing strengthens the Yang part of the body.
3 – Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Sumo both will develop the Yin part of the body. I am not so certain about Greco-Roman wrestling since it is an invention of western civilization.
(4) – Changing your head may or may not be something you want to do. The head will change in a certain way in response to boxing. If you were going to change the shape of your head, that might entail giving up boxing, or changing the way you box.
Do you really want to change the shape of your head so much that you will give up boxing? A serious or professional fighter might decide that he would be willing to accept some distortion of the shape of his head to reach his goals as a fighter.
I’ve read over a few of your articles and watched a few videos. I would look forward to a more collected and concise book of your theories up to this point.
I am a student of Chinese medicine, internal martial arts, and neigong. I’m not sure what kind of guidance you’ve had up to this point, but I do think you’ve made some deeper insights that are on the right track. The left right imbalance and energy body super compositions are important observations. I’m curious how you came to them. Have you actually seen the energy body displacement or just observed its effects on the physical body?
According to one branch of Chinese medicine and cultivation, the left side of the body reflects Yang, the right side Yin, the left side Blood, the right side Qi. The rising, stimulating, nourishing, and relaxing character of body processes are reflected on the left; the descending, catabolic, excretory, and contractile processes on the right. Broadly speaking, problems can be reduced to too much rising or descending, or not enough rising or descending. As you’ve observed, excessive ejaculation is one habit that generally leads to deficient ascending on the left and later to deficient descending on the right. But it’s far from the only cause.
Good luck with continued cultivation and observation. I recommend The Yellow Emperor’s Internal Medicine Classic and anything you can find in English on Lu Dongbin for more writings on left-right significance among other things.