According to Happeh Theory, many famous well known cultural works of the past are really messages about the negative effects of masturbation on the human body. Those famous cultural works include statues, painting, books, and plays. Blog entries in this category are devoted to providing examples of those cultural works.
MichaelAngelo was a famous Italian artists who created many famous works. One of these works is a sculpture named “David”. The statue shows a human body changed by the effects of masturbation.
A picture of MichaelAngelo’s sculpture named “David” is shown below
According to Happeh Theory, the statue named David exhibits all of the major signs of a human body changed by masturbation.
According to Happeh Theory, masturbation changes the human body in specific and predictable ways. If the sculpture called David really is a sculpture of a human body changed by masturbation, then the sculpture should exhibit some of the changes that, according to Happeh Theory, masturbation causes to the human body.
One of the major changes that masturbation makes to the human body, is to make the shoulders look uneven. The right shoulder of David is lower than his left shoulder.
The uneven shoulders give both shoulders a slanted look.
Another major change that masturbation makes to the human body, it to make one arm appear longer than the other arm. The sculpture’s right arm looks longer than the left arm.
For the purposes of Happeh Theory, it does not matter that the left arm is bent. It only matters that one arm looks longer than the other arm.
Masturbation will make the hips look uneven. The right hip of the sculpture looks higher than the left hip.
The uneven hips give both hips a slanted look.
According to Happeh Theory, masturbation will make one leg look shorter than the other leg. The locked straight right leg looks shorter,
than the bent and angled outwards left leg.
Masturbation will make one side of the torso look shorter than the other side of the torso. The right side of the sculpture’s torso looks shorter,
than the left side of the sculpture’s torso.
The shape of the shorter side of the torso will also be changed by masturbation. The short right side of the torso has a curved shape,
while the longer left side of the torso has a straighter shape.
According to Happeh Theory, masturbation will change the shape and orientation of the head. The head of the sculpture is rotated and looking off to the left.
Masturbation will cause many other less noticeable changes all over the human body. The right hand of the sculpture is curled up in a way similar to an arthritic hand.
The left hand is held up towards the head,
with the index and middle finger curled around some object.
According to Happeh Theory, Michaelangelo put the object in the left hand of the sculpture, to provide a reason for why the left hand was held up towards the head. If there was no object in the left hand of the sculpture, people would look at the sculpture, and wonder why the left hand was held up towards the head for no apparent reason. With the object placed in the left hand, the reason why the left hand is held up by the head is apparently obvious.
According to Happeh Theory, the left hand has actually been posed up by the head, because that is one of the changes that masturbation makes to the human body. The left hand is not help up by the head because the indivdiual mentally desires to lift their hand up towards their head. Masturbation changes the body in such a way, that the body forces the hand up towards the head in a mentally uncontrollable way.
Another one of the less noticeable masturbation caused changes demonstrated by the sculpture, is that the right foot is flat on the ground,
while only the inside of the angled outwards left foot is resting on the ground.
All of the masturbation caused changes exhibited by the sculpture named David, give one particular overall impression. The longer right arm,
the short right side of the torso,
and the short straight right leg,
give the impression that the right side of the body is short and moving down towards the ground.
The bent upwards left arm,
the long straight left side of the torso,
the lifting upwards bent left leg,
and the majority of the head looking like it is on the left side of the body,
give the impression that the left side of the body is tall or moving upwards.
Ummm. No – read this –
this is ludicrous. you should take this off the internet.
Exactly my situation…. I suspected and to some extent believed that my body from inside is tilted since I was 18 (2006). but there was nobody to tell or confirm the same.
My situation is vice versa… as I am masturbating (since the age of 5) in a prone position in a way that right body is down attached to bed and left is slightly up during masturbation, which is equivalent to left handed masturbation. So since childhood my left torso is shrinked make it look more v shaped compared to straight right sided torso..right shoulder is up and head always tilt towards right.
Happec theory is 101% correct. Now my problem is my left torso takes more burden during exercise…which makes me feel that my left side muscles grow more strong than right one.
Please tell me how to correct this shrinkage?
Happeh. Isnt david a hero of the bible? Michealangelos moses is also a mastrubation changed bible. Perhaps michealangelo hated/ mocked religion?
Just a question of mine, wondering youre opinion.
*body, not bible (in reference to moses)