According to Happeh Theory, breast cancer can be caused or aggravated by physical constriction of the breast. The physical constriction of the breast restricts the normal flow of blood and energy into the breast. The loss of the proper amounts of blood and energy, and the tightening of the breast caused by it’s constriction, can either cause or aggravate breast cancer.
Many people think the breast is an object that sits on the chest. According to Happeh Theory, each breast is majority connected to the entire same side of the body. The implication of that claim is that if one of the breasts was constricted, then the same side of the body should also show signs of being constricted.
The reason that information is important to an individual with breast cancer, is that it also implies that Breast Cancer is not just an ailment of the breast. If a breast develops breast cancer, and the breast is connected to the entire same side of the body, then the condition of the entire same side of the body should show some signs of being affected by the appearance of Breast Cancer.
This view of how the body works would mean that instead of just treating the breasts for the physical constriction that Happeh Theory claims contributes to or causes Breast Cancer, the entire same side of the body would also need to be treated to remove any constriction that it was experiencing.
This series of blog entries is devoted to proving the claim that the breasts are majority connected to the same side of the body.
The goal of this series is to convince the reader that there is a connection between each breast and the same side of the body. Once the reader has been convinced of that connection, their native intelligence should help them see how necessary treatment of the body along with treatment of the breast is in cases of Breast Cancer or other breast health ailments.
Here is the example picture for this blog entry.
This woman really does have breast cancer. It is not known which breast is affected by cancer.
This example picture strongly supports the claim that constriction of the body is involved with breast cancer. The entire right side of the woman’s body is constricted as will be detailed next.
The overall look of the woman is that she is leaning to her right. The woman is leaning to her right because the entire right side of her body is constricted.
The right arm does not look like it is just resting on the bench. The right arm looks like it is bracing the body so it does not fall over to the right.
There is a particular angle to the woman’s arm resting on the bench,
that is a result of how she is sitting on the bench and the distance her torso is from the bench.
The exact angle of her arm and the exact location she is sitting in is influenced by the constriction of her right side.
The woman’s right leg is bent back towards her. The right leg is constricted in the sense that instead of being long and extended it is pulled back and shortened.
Although it is probably not visible to many readers, the woman’s head has changed as a result of the constriction of the right side of her body. The right side of the woman’s head has become constricted along the line shown in the next picture.
It is intriguing to note that the part in the woman’s hair seems to follow along the boundary line drawn on the face. If the hair is natural, the part in the hair would suggest that the hair was also affected by the constriction of the right side of the body.
The woman’s hair has the look of a wig, which would be expected if she had received radiation treatments. In that case the part in the hair would not be natural and not a part of the changes the constriction of the right side of her body has inflicted on her body.
If the hair is a wig, the most likely explanation for the part in it lining up with the line in the woman’s face is that the hairstylist can see the line in the face, or perhaps only the part of the line that reaches up to the head. The hairstylist then worked the part in the hair around the line or landmarks that the hairstylist could see in the face
All of the previous pictures support the claim that breast cancer is interrelated with constriction of the body. The right side of the woman’s body shows undeniable signs of constriction, and the woman really truly does have breast cancer.
Why is the woman’s body changed in the particular way that it is. One way to explain some of the changes is to use The Wheel View of the Human Body, which is one of the theoretical models of the human body created for Happeh Theory.
According to The Wheel View of the Human Body, the human body behaves as if there are four wheels within it at the locations shown in this picture.
When certain types of health problems occur in a human body, the size of one of the wheels will change in some way. According to Happeh Theory, all of the body that is covered by a particular wheel will tend to show similar changes as if they were affected by some similar changing event.
The body of the example woman is behaving as if the wheel on the upper right side of her body enlarged as shown in this picture.
The line in the woman’s face has approximately the same curve as the wheel drawn on the picture.
The woman’s right arm is completely within the wheel area, and it was stated earlier that the woman’s right arm was acting as a brace on the bench because it was weak and constricted.
The fact that the constriction of her body is within the area that corresponds to one of the wheels of The Wheel View of the Human Body, indicates that the constriction of the right side of the body has a certain cause.
According to Happeh Theory, it would be more beneficial to the woman to treat the problem causing the enlarging of the right upper wheel in the woman’s body first, before providing therapy for the breast.
The reasoning being that if each breast is connected to and influenced by the rest of the body, it is possible that treating the cause responsible for changing the size of the upper right wheel in the woman’s body could also treat the breast simultaneously, without ever actually doing anything directly to the breast.