Here is the example picture.
The picture shows two men standing next to each other. The man on the right side of the picture is manipulating or directing his own energy.
( 1 ) – What is it about the picture that indicates the man on the right is manipulating or directing his own energy?
The posture of his body.
When a human being manipulates or directs their own energy or the energy of another human being, their physical body will change in some way that assists or contributes to the manipulation or direction of energy.
The body of the man on the right is not a haphazard, random, unconscious pose. The man in the right is mentally ordering his body to hold itself in a certain way. The man on the right had to think to himself “I want to position my body just so” in order for his body to present the appearance it does in the picture.
Why is the man ordering his body to hold the posture it has? There is no apparent external reason in the picture for the man to be consciously controlling his body posture to make it look the way it does.
That is the way the body of human beings manipulating energy will look. Their body will take on some purposeful pose that seems to serve no purpose when their surroundings are examined.
( 2 ) – How exactly is the man on the right manipulating or directing energy?
The man on the right is directing his own energy upwards by pointing his hands upwards as highlighted by the arrows in the next picture.
The man is also expanding his energy by holding his arms in the way they are held. Each arm forms a circular shape in order to place the hands where they are.
The man also expands his energy by lifting his shoulders upwards while simultaneously ducking his head slightly like a turtle pulling it’s head into it’s shell.
For the reader who wonders what “the man is expanding his energy” really means, you can find out easily enough by copying the man’s movements. There is nothing to stop you from holding your arms like the man in the picture while you simultaneously lift up your shoulders and slightly duck your head.
Fiddle with the position a little bit to see if you can discover exactly what it is the man is doing. If your body is in poor physical condition it will be more difficult for you to feel what the body posture does.
( 3 ) – Why is the man on the right manipulating his energy?
The man on the right is manipulating his energy to counteract the energy of the man on the left.
The man on the left is unaware of the energy of the human body. The man’s body posture is what indicates that conclusion. The man’s body is slanted from forward on his right to the rear on his left.
The man’s forehead is lined and he is losing some of his hair in a way associated with the lack of knowledge of human energy.
The poor physical condition of the man’s body, the entire body slanting forward to backward, the lining of the forehead, and the losing of the hair, are all indicators that the man on the left is unaware of the energy of the human body.
Without realizing it the man on the left is trying to manipulate the energy of the man on the right. In the parlance of people who know about the energy of the human body, the man on the left “is putting his energy on the man on the right”.
When the energy of the man on the left is “put” on the man on the right, the physical body of the man on the right will feel like it wants to do whatever the energy of the man on the left is telling it to do. The physical body of the man on the right will feel like it wants to slant from forward on the right to the rear on the left, and the head will experience the same sensations of distortion and compression that the body of the man on the left is experiencing.
The man on the right knows about the energy of the human body. Because he knows about the energy of the human body he can feel the energy manipulation of the man on the left.
The man on the right wants to reject the energy manipulation of the man on the left because it makes him feel bad. The man on the right does not want his body to feel like it is slanted from forward on the right to the rear on the left, so he forms his arms into circles which stretches his entire body laterally.
The stretching of his body laterally counteracts the impulse to slant his body from forward on the right to the rear on the left, that is being imposed on him by the energy of the man on the left.
The man on the right also does not want his head to feel distorting or compressing sensations so he points his hands up towards his head which sends his energy to his head.
The energy going up into the head exerts an expansive pressure that inflates his head like a balloon being filled with air, which counteracts the distorting and compressive sensations he is receiving from the energy of the man on the left.
( 4 ) – Why does the man on the right know about the energy of the human body and the man on the left does not?
That question sounds like it would be impossible to answer. How could that question be answered from a picture? It seems like the men would need to be questioned to find out why the man on the right knows about human energy and the man on the left does not.
There is something in the picture that in general answers the question “Why does the man on the right know about human energy and the man on the left does not?”.
The man on the right is a brown man from an Indian culture. Indian cultures in general are aware of the energy of the human body. Brown people in general from any part of the world seem to be aware of the energy of the human body.
The man on the left is a white man from a modern technological culture. White people in general do not know about the energy of the human body.
According to the creator of this blog, the Forces of Evil that control white western technological societies have used that control to raise the citizens of those societies to believe that the energy of the human body does not exist. Any meaningful attempt to educate the white citizens of the western countries about the energy of the human body, something more than a one man blog crusade for instance, has always been quashed by the Forces of Evil.
To the creator of this blog…..
I agree with you,sir/ma’am. Negative forces or energy has invaded and enveloped the Western culture.
It is my mission to first expose this evil and cultivate a human energy of self awareness through my film trilogy “LOGIC”. Humility is the illumination of self awareness by which heavenly energy can flow and generate the like.