The picture above is a real skull. Depending on what you wish to believe, the skull could be either alien in nature, or it could be a dinosaur skull.
The next picture shows a human weightlifter.
A hat is drawn is then drawn on his head.
The location and orientation of the hat on the man’s head is such that it’s centerline coincides with the centerline of the man’s body, which runs vertically through the head and body as shown next.
A hat is placed on the top of the alien/dinosaur skull in the next picture.
The line is drawn through the centerline of the hat on the alien/dinosaur skull in the next picture.
The hat on the human head and the hat on the alien/dinosaur are different. The hat on the head of the human being has a vertical centerline,
while the hat on the alien head has a diagonal centerline.
The next picture shows a man leaning against a wall.
The vertical centerline of the man’s head and body are highlighted next.
The man in the picture is wearing a hat on his head that is called a “Kippa” or “Skullcap”.
The center of the hat does not match the blue centerline that is the centerline coming up from the body.
A Kippa is worn on the back of the head at an angle instead of level on the head like the hat on the weightlifter.
placed at the back of the skull at an angle. The line in the next picture follows the centerline of a Kippa placed on the back of the head.
The next picture compares the centerline of the Kippa on a human skull to the centerline of the alien/dinosaur skull.
The centerline of a Kippa on the human head is similar to the angle of the centerline of the alien/dinosaur skull. If the alien/dinosaur skull was resting on the creature’s neck instead of flat on a table, the angles might be even more similar.
The next picture compares the human being wearing a Kippa to the alien/dinosaur skull with a Kippa drawn on the natural top of the skull.
What do you know. The location at the back of the head where a human being wears a Kippa, is exactly where the crown of the alien skull is. Could that be just a coincidence? When most headwear worn by human beings is placed on the top of the head so it’s center matches the center of the human head the hat is sitting on,
why would a human being design a hat that is worn at the back of the head,
which just happens to be where a hat naturally sits on the the alien/dinosaur skull?
Is it possible the human beings that created the Kippa know something about the alien/dinosaur skull? Maybe those human beings actually met the creature whose skull that is, and copied the location of the headwear it had on? Or maybe that “alien/dinosaur” skull is really a prehistoric human skull, and the people who invented the Kippa remember what human beings used to be, once upon a time long ago in prehistory?
Or maybe the Kippa was created for more than one reason? Perhaps instead of just a piece of headwear worn for ornamental or ritual purposes, the wearing of the Kippa performs some function?
A reader who is seriously interested in this material, as opposed to perusing it as light reading, should spend time pondering that last question.