The study that is the basis of this blog entry found that students who have more sex do poorly in their school work. The news story makes no mention of any reason provided for why sexual activity is linked to poor grades.
What do you expect from Stoopid Scientists?
Sexual activity is linked to poor grades because the sex organs are linked to the brain. Sexual activity will stimulate the sexual part of the brain, which is the lower part of the brain.
Since it is the upper part of the brain that is associated with “higher thought”, the sexually active people literally cannot use that part of their brain well, because they are mostly “stuck” in the lower sexual part of their brain.
Those people could can regain their ability to perform higher thinking by stopping sexual activity for some time, and performing physical activities to relax the blockage in their lower brain.
The original story is reprinted next.
Too much sex is the cause of academic failure, according to a new survey of students at Cambridge University.
Trinity College at Cambridge University
Students studying medicine had the most number of sexual partners and those reading theology had the fewest
It questioned more than 1,000 undergraduates and found that students at poorly performing colleges slept around the most.
Peterhouse, for example, came near the bottom of the 2007 Tompkins Table, which ranks Cambridge colleges in order of students’ academic performance, but third in the promiscuity list.
Its students had five sexual partner on average compared to three at Christ’s College, which came second in last year’s academic table.
Christ’s also had the most number of virgins, with more than a quarter of respondents admitting that they had never had sex.
The online poll, published in the student magazine Varsity, found that students studying medicine had the most number of sexual partners (eight) while those reading theology had the fewest (two).
Students studying social political science came second (seven), history third (six), modern and medieval languages (five).
The survey found that many students were putting their health at risk by not being tested for sexually transmitted diseases.
More than six in 10 said they had never had a test despite four in 10 admitting to having had a one night stand.
Ed Cumming, the magazine’s associate editor, said: “Some results confirm long-held stereotypes. Those involved in postgraduate study are less likely to have had sex than their undergraduate counterparts.
“Third-year students are the most active, with 10 per cent having had sex. It suggests that as long as you believe in sex before marriage you will have lost your virginity by the time you graduate.”