Homing Pigeons Have Built In “Satnav” Using Earth’s Magnetic Field

The news story that is the subject for this blog entry is about how scientists have discovered that homing pigeons use magnetic waves for homing. There is something inside of a pigeon that gives it the ability to sense magnetic fields.

That discovery supports the claim of human energy.

Scientists have been told that human beings have energy. They have been told that this energy is invisible, that it can travel across a distance, and that human beings can feel the energy of other human beings.

Scientists have completely dismissed those claims as nonsense.

Yet just now, in the year 2009, scientists have discovered that pigeons can sense magnetic fields. Magnetic fields are invisible, they can travel across a distance, and scientist now know that pigeons can sense them.

If scientists never knew for the past hundreds of years that pigeons could sense invisible magnetic fields, isn’t it just as likely that scientist don’t know that human beings possess and can sense invisible energy?


Doesn’t this story suggest that one day it will be proved that human beings do have energy? And that they can sense invisible energy? Doesn’t this story suggest it is only a matter of performing the proper scientific study to “discover” the energy of the human body really does exist? And to “discover” that human beings really can sense that invisible energy?

The story also provides a clue to scientists as to what experiments they should perform to ascertain whether or not human beings have energy, and whether or not they can sense invisible energy.

Regular people always use the word “energy” to describe certain phenomenon associated with the human body. These regular people are not scientists. They are using a word that they feel best approximates what it is they are trying to describe.

This news story suggests that what regular people refer to as “the energy” of the human body, could be “the magnetic field” of the human body. If pigeons can sense invisible magnetic fields to navigate with, maybe human beings can sense the invisible magnetic field around another human being and make judgements as to it’s strength or other characteristics.

That logical train of thought seems to have escaped scientists. Scientists are so busy denying the existence of human energy, they have never bothered to consider which of their own scientific discoveries might better describe the phenomenon regular people use the word “energy” to describe.

Since this study has shown that pigeons can sense invisible magnetic fields, it seems obvious that a scientist interested in proving or disproving the existence of what is commonly referred to as “the energy” of the human body, could start by conducting experiments on whether or not human beings can sense magnetic fields in the way pigeons do.

The original news story is reprinted below


Scientists have suspected for years that birds possess the ability to use the Earth’s magnetic field for their navigation, although it has never been proved beyond doubt.

Now researchers from the University of Auckland in New Zealand believe they have solved the mystery by showing that the routes the birds take to come back follow magnetic waves around the Earth.

They have discovered that like global positioning technology, they first determine where they are before heading off for home.

One of the quirks of homing pigeons is that they often head off in totally the wrong direction when initially finding their way home before making a correction.

Now the team, who published their findings in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, have discovered that the initial flight path involves finding the magnetic waves which can then be used to find their way home.

They reviewed a number of studies in Germany that saw as many 150 birds returning to three lofts near Frankfurt.

Dr Cordula Mora and her colleagues concluded that “respond to the Earth’s magnetic field at the release site”, calculate their position using the fields and then calculate their way home.

“Our results imply that pigeons use the earth’s magnetic field for determining their position at the release site before laying a course for home,” she said.

The study extends previous research that suggested that magnetic particles in the beaks of the birds act like compasses.

They react to the Earth’s external magnetic field in a very sensitive and specific manner, so they can deduce location, the team believes.

The researchers further believe that this ability is not unique to homing pigeons and could be universal among all birds and may also be present in other animals influenced by the Earth’s magnetic field.

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