Proper Human Skull and Face Alignment

According to Happeh Theory, all human beings have energy. The energy of a human being can be depicted in various ways depending on what point the author is trying to make. For this section the energy of the human body is treated as an exact duplicate of the human body. The picture below shows two identical human bodies side by side.

The normally colored human body on the right is the physical body. The pinkish human body on the left represents the energy body of a human being.

In a healthy human being, the energy body should be exactly superimposed on the physical body. In the picture below, the energy body has been moved so it is exactly on top of the physical body.

Because the physical and the energy body both occupy the exact same space, the color of the body in the picture above is a mixture of the colors of the physical and energy bodies.

According to Happeh Theory, if the energy body moves away from being exactly superimposed on the physical body, the human being will experience some kind of health problem. The health problem could be the kind of problem that requires seeing a doctor. Or the health problem could be something like bodily misalignment that would cause the person to move in an abnormal way.

Determining if the energy body of a person has moved or not requres skill and experience. If the energy body has moved very subtly, the visible signs can be extremenly hard to detect. In the picture below, the energy body has been rotated 1 degree from it’s previous location.

Because the energy body is a bright color, the difference that the rotation of the energy body made is easily visible. The rotation of the energy body has resulted in one half of the energy body moving in front of the physical body while the other half of the energy body moves to the rear of the physical body. The visible part of the energy body is the part that rotated forward.

In the next picture, the energy body is in the exact same location as in the picture above. Rotated 1 degree away from the physical body. The color of the energy body has been changed so that it is the exact same color as the physical human body.

The picture above looks like it is a picture of a solitary human being standing there. In reality, it is the exact same picture as the previous picture. The physical body is still there with the energy body that has been rotated 1 degree from it’s optimum position.

Because both the energy and the physical bodies have the same color, the rotational difference of the energy body cannot be seen. It would be helpful for the discussion of the relationship between the physical and energy bodies if it was easier to see the changes when the energy body moves from it’s proper position.

How is this discussion of the energy body of a human being related to the dinosaur skull?

According to Happeh Theory, the energy body can be described as influencing the growth of the human body. If the energy body moves off of the physical body, the physical body will begin to grow in a way that follows the energy body. For instance, if the head of the energy body moved 1 full foot to the left of where it should be, the physical body will change so that the physical head tries to move to the left to follow the head of the energy body.

The changes in the energy body are usually never so obvious as moving 1 full foot away from the normal position. The energy body will usually rotate or move only a small amount. These small movements of the energy body will still cause a change in the physical body. The physical body will grow in such a way as to show where the energy body has moved to.

This is where the dinosaur skull can be useful.

The dinosaur skull can be used to represent the energy of the human body. This is helpful because of the large size and length of the dinosaur skull. Any movement of the dinosaur skull will be readily visible partially because the dinosaur skull is so big and partially because the two skulls are so different in appearance. There can be no mistaking where the physical body is and where the energy body is if the physical body is represented by a human skull and the energy body is represented by the dinosaur skull.

Here is a closeup profile picture of the human skull with the dinosaur skull superimposed on it.

The dinosaur skull was sized so that part of the side of the human skull shows through. This was done to help display the relationship between the human skull and the dinosaur skull. The dinosaur skull is exactly centered on the human skull. The dinosaur skull is representing the skull of the human energy body.

The next picture is a three quarters view of the dinosaur skull and human skull combination.

Part of the top of the human skull is visible in this picture. This was done to show that the dinosaur skull is centered side to side on the human skull.

The principle here is that it is easier to show how a change to the energy body has changed the physical body by using this large dinosaur skull. It will be easiest to run through an example to explain how it all works.

Here is a picture of an example person.

The energy body of this person has shifted to the right side of his body. This person can be described as “talking out of the side of their face”. That is an old folk saying used to describe people. If someone says “That person is talking out of the side of their face”, the person they are talking about looks like the person above.

The dinosaur skull can be used to show how this man is talking out of the side of his face to people who cannot see it or do not know what it means. The dinosaur skull in the next picture is being used to show where the energy of the man has moved to.

The viewing angle of the computer model had to be changed because of the large size of the dinosaur skull. If the viewing angle of the computer model is the same as the viewing angle of the man, all that can be seen is the large dinosaur head.

Examination of the computer picture shows that the dinosaur head is rotated and pointing far off to the man’s right side. This is how the energy body or the real man in the picture on the right is oriented. The physical body of the computer model is pointed in the same general leftwards direction as the real man’s head is facing.

The area of the real man’s head where the energy body is facing, or where the dinosaur head would be sticking out, is outlined in the picture below.

The large red circle outlines the face of the man’s energy body. The red circle is clearly not facing in the same direction as the face of the physical body. The simple eyes, nose and mouth were added to strengthen the idea that this area is the face of the energy body.

The same thing can be shown without using the dinosaur skull. The picture below uses a human skull placed in exactly the same location as the dinosaur skull to show where the head of the energy body is facing.

The camera view of the computer model has been moved to the same viewpoint as the viewpoint of the real man’s face in the picture on the right. This was done because the human skull of the energy body does not obscure the skull of the physical body the way the dinosaur skull representing the human energy body obscured the physical body.

The face of the physical body is pointed off to the left like the real man’s face. The face of the energy bodyin the computer generated picture is looking approximately towards the camera.

Using a human skull to demonstrate how the energy body has changed works well in dramatic cases like the one above where the energy body has moved a large amount. The dinosaur skull can be used in any case and will show more clearly visible results because of it’s large size and shape.

The convenience of visually comparing the dinosaur skull to the human skull to describe the position of the energy body is only one use of the dinosaur skull.

Recall that the the rear of the dinosaur skull had a cap like end. That same cap like end is found on the skulls of some human beings. The picture below has the cap like area on the dinosaur skull outlined. The human being is wearing a head covering that emphasizes the cap like end to his head.

When the energy body of a human being moves, in many cases the cap at the end of the head will move. Because the cap is such a distinctive feature, it is easy to see if it has moved. This fact can be used to more easily diagnose a change in position of the energy body. As opposed to using the sides or the front of the skull to determine if the energy body has moved.

Examination of the cap end of the head of a human being for changes in location from it’s proper position, or changes to the dome like shape of the cap can be used for either health diagnosis, or for determining if and where the energy body of a human being has moved.

The health problems that can be diagnosed through examination of the location and shape of the cap on the back of the head are both mental and physical. The physical problems that can be diagnosed are not limited to the head itself. The shape and location of the cap on the head is directly influencded by the state of health of the entire body underneath the head.

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